Correction of the intestinal microflora

Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 7th September 2018
Correction of the intestinal microflora. meteorism or excessive flatulence

Correction of the intestinal microflora provides for:

1. Revision of food-using products:

  • enriched with living microorganisms;
  • containing prebiotics (oligosaccharides, dietary fibre, organic acids, etc.);
  • providing products of bacterial metabolism.

2. Purpose of drugs containing probiotics.

So, what is the best remedy for recovering intestinal microflora? The intestinal microflora is an integral part of the human body. Firstly, we need it for the proper functioning of the immune system. However, with an imbalance of microflora, other biochemical processes in our body suffer, such as digestive tract function. Secondly, a healthy intestinal microflora neutralises fatty acids and hydrolyses proteins. Finally, it forms an acidic environment in the intestine to prevent the propagation of pathogenic microflora.

Normal microflora

Without healthy microflora, the human body’s gaseous composition of the intestine and water-salt metabolism suffer. Healthy microflora also participates in bile acid and cholesterol metabolism and regulates stool.

Healthy intestinal microflora is the optimal balance of bacteria that participate in digestion and the functioning of the immune system. Typically, there are about 500 microorganisms in the human intestine. They vary from unconditionally beneficial microbes to pathogenic ones. Moreover, an approximate amount of intestinal microflora should be 1014, or about 2 kilograms of microbes.

The intestine’s microflora is very sensitive to negative influences, so there are dozens of possible causes for violating its balance.

What is the best remedy for correcting the intestinal microflora, and when is it necessary?

Some symptoms make clear that a person still needs drugs for the correction of the intestinal microflora after antibiotics or other adverse factors:

  • stool disorders;
  • cramping pain;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

Doctors should diagnose and prescribe the best way to restore intestinal microflora after antibiotics or other imbalance factors. There are different groups of remedies for restoring intestinal microflora in the arsenal of modern gastroenterologists. We know three main groups of those bacteria: probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics.

Prebiotics and probiotics

Prebiotics are agents with bifidogenic properties. They also create a nutrient medium where beneficial bifido and lactobacilli multiply.

The best probiotics, or eubiotics, for restoring healthy intestinal microflora are drugs containing the same living components. Therefore, they are supposed to replenish the deficit of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The best remedy for correcting intestinal microflora belongs to the synbiotics group, which contains prebiotics and probiotics. Synbiotics simultaneously replace the deficiency of healthy intestinal flora. Moreover, they create a favourable environment for the life of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.