What is the survival rate for colorectal cancer?

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 30th July 2018
What are the symptoms of colon cancer. What is the survival rate for colorectal cancer?

Cancer of the rectum is a malignant form that originates from the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa. Cancer develops in four stages, each with specific clinical manifestations, treatments, and survival rates for colorectal cancer prognosis. Usually, medics diagnose malignant processes of the intestine at a late stage of the disease—which is associated with the slow development of pathology and meagre symptoms in the first and second stages.


There is a linear pattern between the phase of the disease and the survival prognosis. Therefore, we’d like to analyse the diagnosis procedure—what symptoms of intestinal carcinoma manifest, and what treatment can guarantee a favourable prognosis. Cancer of the rectum differs from other types of cancer because of dependencies on the stage of the pathology.

Colon cancer is one of the most dangerous oncological diseases since it often leads to death within a few months after the diagnosis. Medics select the treatment of the disease depending on what stage they identified. Most often, this is a 3rd or 4th phase.

Treatment and survival rate for colorectal cancer

Medics perform surgical treatment in the first stage. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the cause of the disease, but it is impossible to prevent it from repeating. During surgery, the doctors remove the tumour and a small area of healthy tissue. After that, they monitor the oncological patient carefully. If necessary, they would repeat diagnostic procedures and prescribe conservative treatment. Such therapy includes antineoplastic drugs, immunomodulating agents, and therapeutic drugs.

The survival rate for colorectal cancer after removing the tumour from the large intestine becomes favourable. And it is more than 90% complete recovery.


Medics have not yet crossed the threshold of knowledge about the causes of cancer; otherwise, it would be possible to treat a tumour at any stage of it successfully. There are isolated cases when patients defeat cancer at the last phase. However, it is not due to traditional treatment but despite their fear.

The patient’s survival rate for colorectal cancer in the first stage of colorectal cancer is five years. The second stage is from 5 to 15 years, and the third stage leaves the patient no more than 5-7 years. The last phase of colon cancer has a minimum percentage of favourable outcomes. And it has a five-year survival rate of not more than 5%.

It is essential to understand that defeating oncology with only one drug or operation is impossible. We have to create new technologies and combine existing ones continually.