Is colonic irrigation effective in the fight against intestinal candidiasis?
Colonic irrigation helps to cope with some unpleasant diseases or even wholly prevent their development.
Alkalising colonic irrigation with sodium bicarbonate
Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.
Candidiasis of the intestines (thrush) is an intestinal lesion caused by a fungal microflora (the primary pathogen is Candida albicans), worsening the immune system's functionality with severe symptoms.
Candidiasis of the intestine is difficult to confirm since many healthy people with normal microflora have fungi of the genus Candida and are carriers of fungal infection.
Therefore, fungal bowel disease, which leads to a pathological process, is seldom detected in people with a healthy immune system.
On the other hand, for a gastroenterologist, it is difficult to differentiate a transient candidosis from non-invasive candidiasis of the intestine.
Detection of more than 1000 colony-forming units of Candida albicans per gram of pathological biomaterial indicates the disease with candidiasis of the intestine and excludes the carriage of fungal flora.
Is colonic irrigation good for you? Diagnostics of candida and prevention.
To establish the correct diagnosis of "candidiasis of the intestine," tests are available:
1. Endoscopy of the intestine,2. Cultural examination,3. Examination of provoking factors
The intake of antifungal preparations based on only the detection in the field of any fungi of the genus Candida is incorrect.
Colonic irrigation restores the microflora of the colon and rids the body of harmful bacteria and fungi.
There are two forms of intestinal candidiasis: invasive and non-invasive.
Gastroenterologists mostly deal with the non-invasive form of intestinal candidiasis.
That is a consequence of normal microflora disturbances and the reproduction of secondary bacterial microorganisms.
The malfunction in the immune system allows the fungus to multiply actively in the intestine and suppress healthy bacteria.
Fungi of the genus Candida reproduce by attaching themselves to intestinal cells.
And it penetrates deeper into the tissues to migrate to the general bloodstream. Eventually, it spreads across all systems, causing candidiasis of the visceral organs.
In children, infection with fungal infection occurs at birth, at the time of passage through the mother's birth canal. There are cases when the mother suffered during pregnancy and childbirth with urogenital milkweed.
Consequently, the likelihood of having candidiasis of the oral and intestinal canal is almost inevitable for the child.
Colonic irrigation prevents the spread of harmful fungi and restores the colon's microflora and health.