
Bikini line laser hair removal

Parkland Natural Health &
Our clinic offers laser hair removal for the bikini line, a safe and effective method of reducing hair growth in the bikini area. Our single session costs sixty pounds, and each session lasts fifteen minutes. During this time, our certified technicians will use a specialized laser to target the unwanted hairs in the bikini area. That will reduce their growth.
The laser emits a special light that is absorbed by the hair follicles, damaging them and preventing them from producing new hair. The procedure is virtually painless, and the laser has a cooling system to minimize discomfort. After the treatment, you can expect a slight redness that will subside after a couple of hours.
We also offer a six-session package for permanent hair reduction. The package includes six fifteen-minute laser sessions, each lasting fifteen minutes. The total cost is two hundred forty pounds, and it can be booked online. The six sessions will reduce the amount of hair growth in the bikini area and give you smooth and soft skin.
The laser hair removal procedure is safe and effective. It is also a perfect solution for people who want to reduce the amount of hair in their bikini area. With our package, you can get smooth and hairless skin in a short amount of time with minimal discomfort. So, book your appointment today and enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal for the bikini line.


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Before treatment

Laser Hair Removal with Diode Ice Tri-Wave requires patch test
Treatment range.
These may include the face, neck, chest, back, hands, arms, legs and feet.

Before your first laser hair removal treatment, you'll have a consultation and patch test at our Chiswick facilities.

The patch test is required.

You must trim the hair within twenty-four hours Before treatment.

It's important to avoid waxing, plucking, epilating or bleaching between treatments.

The treatment

We care about your comfort during treatment and will do our best to make the whole process relaxing.

Laser hair removal targets the hair follicle using brief pulses of light energy. The melanin in the hair follicle absorbs the laser light, which prevents any regrowth from happening in the future. Besides, the process is entirely safe and leaves the surrounding tissue unharmed.

After Laser Hair Removal

We will also give you tailored aftercare advice to your specific skin needs. You will leave our spa perfectly relaxed and able to immediately continue with your day, looking forward to your subsequent treatment.

Each hair has its own growth cycle, so it may take several treatments to remove all hair. Besides, the active hairs will start to fall out within two weeks.

We usually recommend spacing the course of hair removal treatments at four- to eight-week intervals, depending on which area we treat.

The patch test is required.

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