
Author: anatoli
Posted on: 17th May 2024

Neurangiosis designates inherently functional but different in origin and symptoms of vegetative disturbances. They are the consequences of neurohumoral regulation of the vegetative function. This disorder usually occurs during neuroses,…

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Enteroptosis – abnormal downward displacement of the intestine

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 17th May 2024

Enteroptosis is the abnormal downward displacement of the intestine. If you are diagnosed with this condition, the intestinal loops are displaced far below the required location. This deviation from the norm…

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Chronic gastritis

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 17th May 2024

Chronic gastritis causes inflammation of the stomach mucosa. Besides, in some cases, it affects deeper layers too. It is also a widespread disease, accounting for about thirty-five per cent of…

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Medicinal herbs for cleaning the intestines

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 16th May 2024

Pollution by toxins, salts, and other completely unnecessary substances impacts all organisms during life. Besides, a person is susceptible to multiple age-related diseases in this state and quickly gains weight…

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Intestinal microflora and immune system

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 16th May 2024

The intestine is not only an organ that digests food. Bacteria inhabiting it play an essential role in protecting the body from infections. This organ’s state primarily determines the human…

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Procedure for colonic hydrotherapy

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 24th May 2023

Colonic hydrotherapy is an intestinal cleansing method that involves an enema using specially designed mechanical equipment. Most surgeon-proctologists say this procedure is very effective against chronic constipation, metabolic disorders, and…

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What are the symptoms of colon cancer?

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 24th May 2023

Pathological processes diagnosed in large intestines, such as polyps and inflammatory diseases. This can lead to the formation of a malignant tumour. Thus, the patient cannot guess about the development…

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Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 23rd May 2023

Acute genyantritis usually arises during acute rhinitis, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. Among the main symptoms is tension or pain in the affected sinus. Impaired nasal respiration, rheum,…

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A gastroenterologist prescribes colonic irrigation

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 20th May 2023

Meet Dr Robert Charm, a board-certified gastroenterologist from Walnut Creek, California. He combines conventional medicine with complementary and alternative practices, offering a holistic approach to patient care. One of the…

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Prognosis of colon cancer

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 20th May 2023

Regarding colon cancer, the prognosis is a great concern for most patients. Fortunately, several different methods are available today to assess a patient’s prognosis, with the analysis of the disease…

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WHY colonic irrigation?

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 9th May 2023

Why colonic irrigation? Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation or colon cleansing, involves flushing the colon with water to remove accumulated waste, toxins, and other impurities. The use of…

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Why is overweight harmful?

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 21st January 2022

Being overweight is considered by modern medicine as an aesthetic and a cosmetic problem. It also contributes to the emergence of many chronic and acute diseases. According to the WHO,…

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Psychosomatics as the cause of excess weight

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 13th January 2022

/Psychosomatics./ Man tends to find psychological comfort at any cost, but this is not always possible. Overeating, the basis of food addiction, can be a source of positive emotions. Moreover,…

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A therapeutic drug for the intestinal immune system

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 6th January 2022

The immune system allows the body to recognise and neutralise alien objects. The purpose of the intestinal immune system is to ensure the stability of the organism at the general…

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Stress relief

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 6th December 2021

The influence of stress on the body Stress relief measures are essential for everybody to learn. The nervous system’s response to intense positive or negative situations is often in the form…

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Facts about coffee that sellers would never reveal. Benefit or harm?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 23rd February 2021

Benefits or harm of coffee? Facts that sellers would never reveal. The popularity of coffee has spread worldwide throughout human history. However, its health benefits have been the subject of a…

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Scientists discovered unique natural antibiotic

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 23rd September 2020

Scientists at Tyumen State University have discovered a universal natural antibiotic, emericillipsin-a, that overcomes pathogens’ resistance to drugs. The discovery authors report it in an Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology study. As…

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A way to lower cholesterol without drugs

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 17th June 2020

We can reduce the “bad” cholesterol level in the body without drugs. For that, we need to add several healthy products to our diet. This level is excessive when cholesterol rises…

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Scientists know how to make coronavirus harmless.

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 2nd April 2020

Specialists at the Center for the Prevention of Thrombosis(CPT) found a way to turn deadly COVID-19 into the usual flu. Andrei Gromov, the head of the Center, wants to share…

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The immunologist spoke about the effect of interferon on immunity

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 2nd April 2020

/The effect of interferon on immunity./ What are some ways to strengthen the immune system while fighting the spread of coronavirus?”There is evidence that interferon medicines strengthened the immune system…

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Geneticists explained the cause of high mortality from coronavirus.

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 28th March 2020

Geneticist Vadim Pospelov said the difficult epidemiological situation of the spread of coronavirus in Italy is most likely the result of a constant weakening of immunity due to residents’ regular…

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How coronavirus will change human habits

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 17th March 2020

/Coronavirus will change human habits./Sociopathy worldwide intensifies regardless of the virus outbreak. It is the desire for the “atomic nature of life” for an autonomous existence to break a traditional…

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Colonic irrigation corrects constipation

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 3rd January 2020

“One of my more significant cases was Tommy. He is an eight-year-old boy with awful constipation anyone could imagine,” says former general surgeon and emergency medicine specialist Paul Flashner, MD,…

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Giving colonic irrigation is standard procedure

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 3rd January 2020

Sharda Sharma, MD, has been a primary care physician in Millburn, New Jersey, for nearly twenty-six years. She dispenses multidisciplinary medical care to her patients. Dr. Sharma employs colonic irrigation,…

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Colonic irrigation reduces benign prostatic hyperplasia

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 2nd January 2020

Joshua Heinemann, the sixty-six-year-old chief executive officer for Virginia Chemicals Corporation of Chesapeake, Virginia, suffered severely from prostate gland enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH). For four years, the man’s…

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Conditions for which colonic irrigation is effective

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 1st January 2020

“Colonic irrigation is certainly effective. Besides, silicone breast implant exposure, which results in disease symptoms, responds very well to colon cleanses. I am also at the centre of this silicone…

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Colonic irrigation is like cleaning baked lasagna from a pan

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 31st December 2019

According to Pamela Whitney, ND, baked lasagna may be used as a metaphor for colon cleansing. Dr Whitney, educational director for the New England Health Institute, is a naturopathic physician…

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Doctors support colonic irrigation usage

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 30th December 2019

Frank Shallenberger, MD, and other doctors support colonic usage. Frank Shallenberger, MD HMD, of Carson City, Nevada, declares: I support the use of colonic irrigation and occasionally refer my patients to…

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Colonic irrigation is usual for the patients of W. John Diamond, MD.

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 29th December 2019

For W. John Diamond, MD, medical director of the Triad Medical Center in Reno, Nevada and coauthor of that valid consumer text, An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer, colonic irrigation…

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Janet Beaty, N.D., took training in colonic irrigation

Author: olena-shevchenko
Posted on: 21st December 2019

“My original training in colonic irrigation was when I administered it twenty-five years ago as part of my massage therapy program. And that training went a lot deeper when I…

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Colonic irrigation used by James P. Carter, MD, DrPH

Author: olena-shevchenko
Posted on: 21st December 2019

“After conducting a comprehensive digestive stool analysis on any patient suspected of having dysbiosis (poor intestinal hygiene), I attempt to wipe the bowel clean by prescribing colonic once a week…

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Knowing the cause of my IBS-type symptoms has changed my life and I feel amazing

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 20th September 2019

35-year-old Amy Harding had suffered from IBS-type symptoms for over ten years, including bloating, abdominal pain, wind and irregular bowels. “I had been diagnosed with IBS for around ten years. My…

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Benefits of the infra-red spine stretching bed

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 23rd May 2019

Infra-red spine stretching technology appeared due to centuries-old medical research on the spine of the musculoskeletal system. A tree needs a healthy root system to grow properly and sustain good health.…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Dunfermline

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Improving the body is one of the essential stages of a conscious and comfortable human existence. People living in a modern urban environment expose themselves to many adverse health effects.…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Warwick

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Warwick is not similar to those bowel cleansing procedures offered in salons or when cleaning the bowels at home. Moreover, it is a mistaken opinion that this…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Dartmouth

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Dartmouth is safe through continuous flushing of the bowels with purified water without chemicals. Besides, colon hydrotherapy is a natural treatment that does not violate the natural…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth is an administered therapy that allows you to wash and clean the intestines effectively using a large amount of fluid. Colonic lavage is the alternative way…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Derby

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Derby is one of the therapies whose meaning is not immediately understood. The name is difficult to pronounce and sounds frightening. What is behind this word? Colon hydrotherapy…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

The main task of colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster is to eliminate the pathological process in the bowels. To clarify, it is a source of intoxication for the body. Subsequently, it…

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Colonic irrigation in Great Yarmouth

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Many people suffer from headaches, earthy complexion, problems with digestion, decreased performance and allergies of unknown origin. These symptoms can signal accumulated fatigue or the presence of a hidden disease.…

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Colonic irrigation in Dundee

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 1st February 2019

By washing the intestines, we reduce the load on other organs, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin, strengthen the immune system, and establish the normal functioning of the…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Wales

Author: sealifeanatori
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Constipation can accompany various diseases of the digestive system such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic cholecystitis, haemorrhoids, rectal fissures, benign and malignant tumours…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Fort William

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

One of the oldest methods of healing the body is cleansing the bowels with water. They now call it colon hydrotherapy in Fort William. Healers discovered a direct connection between…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Dingwall

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Dingwall residents understand colon hydrotherapy as a gentle washing of the bowel with water or aqueous solutions. It supposes removing faecal waste, detoxifying, correcting the body’s mineral balance, and restoring…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Mold

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Would you like to find colon hydrotherapy in Mold? Let’s look at a few significant subjects first. There is such a thing as “diseases of civilisation”, such as diabetes, hypertension, depression,…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Truro or an enema?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

An enema or colon hydrotherapy in Truro is a medical procedure involving introducing water or other fluids and water solutions of medications in the rectum. Depending on the purpose of…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Winchester

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Winchester is well-known throughout the world. Many see it as a revolutionary method of treating constipation and severe gastrointestinal tract problems, but this therapy’s possibilities are much…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Glasgow in case of allergies

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Glasgow. Food allergies occur when the immune system identifies some food as foreign or harmful. The human immune system activates cells that produce antibodies – immunoglobulin. Antibiotics…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Glastonbury

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

It should be clear that you need to consult with a specialist who carries out colon hydrotherapy in Glastonbury. You can often hear or read that pollution is the cause of…

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Colonic irrigation in Northampton

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

Cleansing the body has already become a habit of many modern girls who monitor their health and body shape. But not everyone has the time and opportunity to undergo complex…

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