Aqualyx is an injectable compound solution of the deoxycholate family. That substance targets localised areas of fat such as saddlebags, thighs, stomachs, chins and knees, often resistant to exercise and diet. Aqualyx is also suitable for treating ‘buffalo hump’ and pseudo-gynecomastia in men.
Prof. Pasquale Motolese was the first to utilise this acid’s fat-dissolving effect. He found it helpful in liquefying the fat cell, destroying it permanently and assisting the lymphatic system in releasing the lipids naturally and eliminating them then.
Doctors administer Aqualyx by injecting the solution into the identified area via a special cannula. Patients need to repeat the treatment between two and eight times. It depends on the required result and every three to four weeks. After each treatment, a patient can expect swelling, bruising, redness and tenderness in the area treated. Although, that will subside after four to six days. However, mild painkillers and support garments could manage.
Aqualyx treatment of localised adiposity combined with colonic irrigation is a great way to eliminate excess weight.
For most treatments, we offer package deals: BUY 4 SESSIONS AND GET 5th FREE.