Anti-spasmodic colonic irrigation improves the quality of life.
In the National Library of Medicine and the Cochrane Library database, from January 1985 to November 2008, several randomized controlled trials studied sodium bicarbonate as a prophylactic measure of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in humans. That indicates sodium bicarbonate can be used in the fight against oncology. Moreover, medics can use it to treat many diseases, especially CIN. However, CIN is a common cause of acute renal damage. So, doctors carried out several prevention methods to treat this trauma.
The results of using sodium bicarbonate in this application are striking. Seventeen randomized controlled trials have investigated the role of sodium bicarbonate in preventing CIN. The overall prevalence of CIN was 11.3%. Using the results of all 17 studies to evaluate the effects of sodium bicarbonate and physiological saline show that the combined relative risk of developing CIN was 0.54 (95% CI, 0.36-0.83) in the intervention, indicating a significant benefit from using sodium bicarbonate. The combined relative risk of CIN was 0.57 (95% CI, 0.35-0.95) when we analyzed the studies that compared the effects of sodium bicarbonate with NAC on CIN development. There was no difference in the need for replacement therapy and death indices.
Specialists in our clinic use a technique that takes full advantage of sodium bicarbonate properties for anti-spasmodic colonic irrigation. Our services, particularly colonic irrigation, are opportunities to avoid many serious diseases, including oncology prevention. After all, according to UK statistics, 98% of patients survive for five years or more. It applies in diagnosed first-stage bowel cancer cases before the disease has yet spread to the outer intestine’s wall. However, doctors diagnosed only 15% of patients at the stage of pathogenesis. Colonic irrigation is a significant step to ensure that the large intestine functions well.
The prevalence of intestinal cancer today is second only to lung cancer. In the UK, NHS specialists diagnose about 42,000 new cases of this cancer each year. Approximately 16,000 patients with bowel cancer die each year. If the disease is at the third stage of pathogenesis, the chances of recovery and survival over five years are 60%. Anti-spasmodic colonic irrigation will revert the intestines to normal, preventing diseases and significantly improving the quality of life.