We offer massage therapies: sports, aromatherapy, tui na, chauvutti, deep tissue, and on-site massage. The choice of massage treatments available these days is vast, and it can be daunting to decide which one is best for you. Massage has been around for a very long time.
A sanctuary of peace and calm where you can relax and find your inner connection, there is nothing quite like an excellent massage.
Whatever it’s called or the techniques employed, civilisation has benefited from a healthy healing touch since the dawn of time. First of all, ask yourself a simple question. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to ease those aches from last Sunday’s football or tennis match? Or are you looking for peace in the ever-frantic world we live in? Then massage is one of the few passive relaxation activities. Once we have completed the initial consultation, you only need to communicate if something is uncomfortable for you as a client.
A tried and tested method to find a therapist is to get a recommendation. People love sharing good restaurants, wine, books, movies, and, believe it or not, massage therapists. If you’re a complete massage novice, try a twenty-minute on-site massage. For instance, we do all the work over your clothes, and it’ll leave you feeling alert, stress-free and ready to face the rest of your day. In short, if you’re sore, tired, stressed out or are looking for a few moments of peace, a massage will provide the antidote.