Cellulite is a skin condition that affects the hips, buttocks, hands, belly, and shoulders. Many women are familiar with it. When the skin becomes dimpling, tubercles and hollows form; cellulite causes the “orange peel effect.” From a medical perspective, cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat layer that disrupts microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.
Experts prefer not to use the term “cellulite” but call this phenomenon “lipodystrophy” or “liposclerosis”. There is an opinion that cellulite does not exist in the medical community. Many doctors do not consider lipodystrophy to be a disease at all.
Cellulite is much more common in women than in men. It usually develops in women’s bodies when they are aged 20 to 25, often during or after pregnancy. There is a simple test to check whether you have liposclerosis. So, squeeze the skin of the thigh with both hands. It is the first sign of cellulite if you see an “orange peel” effect on your flesh. You will find an appearance of lumpiness on the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.
Many doctors do not consider liposclerosis as a disease. However, they believe it is an essential feature of an adult woman’s subcutaneous fat layer. However, some women have cellulite in a light form; others have visible “cottage cheese” changes in the appearance of the skin.
Heredity, skin thickness, gender, the amount and distribution of body fat, age, various hormonal disorders, changes in the hormonal background, eating disorders, lifestyle, smoking, stress and frequent weight changes can all influence the extent to which cellulite is present or visible.
Surprisingly, being overweight is not an essential factor of cellulite; thin people can also notice flabby skin and an orange peel effect.
It is possible to make this unpleasant effect less visible. To get rid of the dimpled appearance of the skin, you will need to lose weight, improve blood circulation, activate metabolism, strengthen muscles and connective tissue, and improve skin tone.
You can achieve reduced “orange peel” visibility through a balanced diet, exercise, avoiding harmful habits, and procedures to improve skin tone and blood circulation.