
Brazilian/Hollywood bikini laser hair removal

Parkland Natural Health &
Brazilian/Hollywood bikini laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair and achieve a smooth, hair-free bikini line. It is a popular treatment for men and women and offers long-lasting, permanent results.
The procedure involves using a Diode Ice Tri-Wave Laser device to send a beam of light to the targeted area. The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs this light, damaging them and preventing new hair growth. The laser works best on dark hair and light skin, so it is essential to have a professional assess your skin before undergoing treatment.
During the procedure, your therapist will clean the area and apply a cooling gel to protect the skin from the laser. The laser will then be passed over the area, targeting the hair follicles. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the session can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to half an hour.
After the session, avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. The treated area may be slightly red and swollen, but this should subside within a few days.
Generally, we recommend a course of six sessions for optimal results. The hair will become finer and lighter each session until it eventually stops growing. After a few months, the results should be permanent, and no further treatment will be necessary.
Brazilian/Hollywood bikini laser hair removal is a convenient and fast way to eliminate unwanted hair in the bikini area. It is much less painful than waxing or other traditional hair removal methods. As with any laser treatment, following your doctor's instructions for proper aftercare is essential to achieve the best results. With proper care and a few sessions, you can have smooth, hair-free skin in no time.


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Before treatment

Laser Hair Removal with Diode Ice Tri-Wave requires patch test
Treatment range.
These may include the face, neck, chest, back, hands, arms, legs and feet.

Before your first laser hair removal treatment, you'll have a consultation and patch test at our Chiswick facilities.

The patch test is required.

You must trim the hair within twenty-four hours Before treatment.

It's important to avoid waxing, plucking, epilating or bleaching between treatments.

The treatment

We care about your comfort during treatment and will do our best to make the whole process relaxing.

Laser hair removal targets the hair follicle using brief pulses of light energy. The melanin in the hair follicle absorbs the laser light, which prevents any regrowth from happening in the future. Besides, the process is entirely safe and leaves the surrounding tissue unharmed.

After Laser Hair Removal

We will also give you tailored aftercare advice to your specific skin needs. You will leave our spa perfectly relaxed and able to immediately continue with your day, looking forward to your subsequent treatment.

Each hair has its own growth cycle, so it may take several treatments to remove all hair. Besides, the active hairs will start to fall out within two weeks.

We usually recommend spacing the course of hair removal treatments at four- to eight-week intervals, depending on which area we treat.

The patch test is required.

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