According to the TCM holistic principles, TCM Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method that uses thin needle insertion through the skin at specific body points. These treatments target the balance of the person’s mental and emotional states based on TCM physiology and pathology. It uses body potential. TCM acupuncture counts over 2000 years of observation and practical human body research.
Modern acupuncture research studies have continued this tradition (see last research papers at The World Health Organisation (WHO) has greatly valued acupuncture’s effectiveness in many diseases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, PMS, Irregular or Painful Periods, Menopausal Syndrome, Migraine, Nausea, Indigestion and Constipation. IBS, High Blood Pressure, Obesity, Diabetes, Neck-Shoulder/Back/Knee pain, Arthritis, Strains and Sprains, Fluid Retention and Skin Disorders. And Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Insomnia, Post-stroke sequelae, etc.
‘Acupuncture is suitable for all ages, including pregnant women and children. Moreover, it is effective alongside conventional medicine’ (BAcC). One of the most frequent questions is about the safety of acupuncture treatment. There have been many scientific research studies in this area in Western countries since the beginning of this century. In short, they concluded that it is safe if the practitioner has an appropriate education and qualification. Acupuncturists in the United Kingdom should also have a Diploma in acupuncture or a License of Acupuncture, membership with BAcC or other officially recognised professional bodies.
We apply single-use sterile acupuncture needles for safety reasons and dispose of them after each treatment. Besides, we open every sealed pack of needles in front of you. Moreover, we dispose of unused needles from open packs in a special sharp bin. The side effect: sometimes you can get a bruise after needle insertion. Tiredness or feeling of dizziness for a short time is very rare.
We recommend informing your doctor about your treatment if you are under medical supervision. Please do not stop the prescribed medication unless you have consulted with your doctor. Your health insurer can cover the cost of acupuncture treatments. So don’t forget to ask your acupuncturist if your health insurer is on the ‘open’ list of BAcC. Also, ask your insurer directly if their insurance policies could cover it with a BAcC-registered acupuncturist.