Irritable bowel syndrome

Colonic irrigation and colonic massage are essential for the body.

Colonic irrigation in BradfordOur clinic offers treatment for irritable bowel syndrome by experienced professionals who will carry out the procedure for you caringly and answer all your questions. Intestinal health plays a critical and beneficial role in the general well-being of a person.

Harmful substances always enter our body through the consumption of food, water and breathing air, through our immune system almost always successfully deals with them, and it fails with elements like:

  • harmful food additives,
  • hormones in food,
  • antibiotics in products, etc.

Human is unable to combat toxic environmental aggression effectively. A significant chunk of poisonous and foreign substances are eliminated by excretion. For instance, this is the built-in protective mechanism in our body to get rid of harmful substances. However, the onslaught of toxins caused by the rapid development of technological progress is so intense that our natural defence systems can not cope with it alone.

Colonic irrigation and colonic massage may treat irritable bowel syndrome.

Thus, some of the adscititious toxins accumulate in organs, tissues and lymph. Even with an ideal excretory system, their amount in the body will continually increase. It happens because the concentration of harmful substances in the surrounding world is too high. And finally, the issue arises when the accumulation of poisons in the body reaches a critical point. As a result, this issue comes from the body’s inability to fulfil essential functions. Colonic irrigation with bicarbonate of soda and massage of the large intestine may restore the working capacity of all the features of the gut and the whole body.

In addition to a weakened body, parasites also settle. Parasites further exacerbate the situation, littering the body with their toxic waste. It starts a vicious circle when the body cannot purify itself, and the protective mechanism no longer works.

There are millions of cases when people try to get well for months or years and take a handful of pills, but no healing effect occurs. However, after undergoing treatment to cleanse the body, many recover entirely. Some even say that they feel like they were reborn! Colonic irrigation with bicarbonate of soda and massage of the large intestine may restore the motility of the bowel. Consequently, this affects the functionality of the immune system and the patient’s overall well-being directly.

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Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.

Parkland Natural Health &
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Colonic irrigation with highly anti-spasmodic enema herbs helps to void gas during colon hydrotherapy, especially in the presence of IBS and spasms. The enema contains Lobelia, Wild Yam root, Motherwort, Raspberry leaf, and Peppermint. The appointment includes an initial consultation.

Parkland Natural Health &
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Colon cleansing with ENEMA HERBS & bicarbonate of soda is highly anti-spasmodic and helps void gas during colon hydrotherapy. It is especially beneficial in the presence of IBS and spasms. Your appointment will also include initial consultation.

Parkland Natural Health &
16% off

An intensive course of three cleansing colonics takes over one week to kick-start a detox cleansing regime. It includes an initial consultation. This is the best offer of closed-system colonic hydrotherapy in London.

Parkland Natural Health &
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The Anti-candida mini detox involves a concentrated series of three colonics infused with bicarbonate of soda, ideally scheduled once weekly. This regimen serves as a potent initiation into a detoxifying cleansing routine, setting the pace for rejuvenation.

Parkland Natural Health &
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The ideal pattern of colonic treatments includes three alkalising colon hydrotherapy treatments with sodium bicarbonate, one anti-parasitic implant on the first treatment, one liver and gall bladder stimulating herbal implant on the second treatment, and a high-strength probiotic implant on the third colonic.

Parkland Natural Health &