Probiotic implant

Colonic irrigation guarantees good health for those who live a sedentary lifestyle.

Probiotic implants re-populate the large intestine and prevent most of the problems

Probiotic implants re-populate the large intestine and prevent most of the problems with the body associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Consumption of food consisting of a large number of different ingredients is harmful. Firstly, the digestive tract can not fully process mixed products since each product requires its own approach.

In his fundamental studies, IP Pavlov noted that the processing and digestion of each type of food occur in their relevant parts of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of certain digestive juices, enzymes, and specific concentrations, with approximately two thousand of these parts. It becomes apparent that the important thing is not what we eat but what the body assimilates.

Features of the gastrointestinal tract and the causes of many diseases

The rectum has two sphincters: the top is where the passage from the sigmoid colon leads to the rectum, and the lower one. Typically, this part of the intestines should always be empty. However, constipation, sedentary lifestyles, etc., can cause a build-up of faeces in the ampoule of the rectum. So, you could always be sitting on a column of impurities that puts pressure on all the organs in the lower limbs’ small pelvis, arteries & veins. The lower sphincter weakens in severe cases, and the rectum falls out. A so-called prolapse occurs, which already requires surgical intervention.

Detoxification function

Toxic substances that enter the liver violate its detoxification function. Subsequently, they form an anastomosis network through which toxins enter the vena cava without rapid filtration. It is directly related to the gastrointestinal tract, intestines, liver, sigmoid and rectum. Inflammatory processes in the body are due to the state of the lower GI tract.

That’s why you will not get healthy until you improve the health of the organs in the small pelvis, cleanse the colon and detoxify the liver. The nature of the disease does not play any role.

Contact our clinic in London, where you can undergo colonic irrigation with the probiotic implant.

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