
Chemical peel for hands, underarms, knees etc

Parkland Natural Health &
Chemical peels for the hands, underarms, and knees effectively reduce the appearance of the sun, age, pregnancy, and acne-related hyperpigmentation. This treatment gently removes the outer layer of the skin, which then rebuilds itself anew.
Besides, the procedure is helpful in skin rejuvenation and brightening due to several criteria:
  • Firstly, this method reduces superficial acne scarring, particularly whiteheads and blackheads.
  • Secondly, this treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and skin clarity.

Chemical peels remove the outermost layers of the skin

Depending on your skin condition and the desired outcome, you may need more than one session. We could use a chemical peel on the face, neck, decolletage, hand and other body areas. At Aesthetic and Wellness, we offer a range of chemical peels (glycolic acid, TCA, and Modified Jessner) from mild to moderate strength to suit the individual's needs.
Depending on the types of peel and layers applied and how deeply the chemical penetrated, the treatment lasts thirty minutes over the next fourteen days.


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One of today's most influential and often-used skin renewal and rejuvenation procedures is chemical peeling. We also consider it to eliminate defects and deep wrinkles without surgical intervention. Such peeling is a radical approach. So, it should be done in a specially equipped cosmetologist's office and only if serious indications exist.

In cosmetology, there are three types of peeling. The difference is in the degree of effect on the skin.

The light or superficial chemical peel destroys several layers of keratinised, dead skin cells. However, it is the most gentle type of peeling with chemicals. Besides, the absence of side effects after the procedure allows you to continue the usual way of life.

Specific problems

The median chemical peel destroys the utterly horny layer of the skin down to the basement membrane. But, within seven days after the procedure, you need home treatment. It is due to flushing of the face and fine-to-large-flake skin peeling. The effect persists for a long time. The most common type of peeling is Jessner's peeling.

Chemical peeling: indications and contraindications

The most complex and deep chemical peeling is the exfoliation of the epidermis with action on the basement membrane. It is a practically chemical burn of the skin with subsequent regeneration.

The long-term effect lasts several years, but you can do the procedure once. The rehabilitation period is approximately five months.

Cleansing of the skin

A doctor cosmodermatologist uses concentrated acids to renew and cleanse the skin. However, selecting ingredients depends on the patient's age, skin condition, and existing problems.

Sometimes, we perform chemical peeling before plastic surgery. It is also a preparation method for deep dermabrasion (the skin polishing technique).

Book online Aesthetic Medical treatments and laser hair removal at the Aesthetic and Wellness

Aesthetic and Wellness

197 Acton Ln

Chiswick, London

W4 5DA

Our company’s goal is to ensure that our clients enjoy the rejuvenation procedure of aesthetic medicine before they ever leave our facility. We do our best to help our clients and improve our practice. So, the client’s happiness and privacy are our number one priorities. Rest assured that our clients enjoy and are safe during every treatment in our clinic.

Non-surgical aesthetic medicine at the Aesthetic and Wellness

Aesthetic and Wellness offers the best care to our clients. We can say that because we believe in ensuring health, safety, comfort and successful rejuvenation procedures. Besides, we build our confidence by ensuring our practitioners are qualified and friendly. In addition, their qualifications are very high, and they can carry out their work in a safe and sanitary environment. We offer the procedures of aesthetic medicine. They help the client achieve and maintain a radiant appearance and youthful skin.

Some treatments and procedures are available at our Chiswick, London facility, including botulinum toxin (Bocouture) for wrinkle relaxation and hyperhidrosis-sweat reduction. Mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation, fat reduction and hair loss, Aqualyx for fat removal, chemical peels, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, Radiesse and Ellanse, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and PDO threads non-medical facelift

Olena Shevchenko

Aesthetic Practitioner Olena is a registered nurse and has a true passion for working in the field of non-surgical aesthetics and takes pride in professional and honest approach, and works with a no hard selling ethos. She is an Advanced Practitioner for botulinum toxin A, PDO thread lifting, mesotherapy, chemical peels, PRP and a variety of dermal fillers and therefore able to offer an individualised therapy regime tailored to specific needs and requests. As an Independent Nurse Prescriber Olena is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery council and insured through Hamilton and Fraser Insurance company and has received full training in the products she prescribes and uses

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