Food intolerance test

Food intolerance / Diet for cleansing the intestines of harmful substances

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance is difficulty digesting certain foods and an unpleasant physical reaction. Besides, our responses to foods and drinks vary significantly as individuals. An ingredient that may cause problems for one person could be completely acceptable for another. The most common food intolerance symptoms are bloating and stomach pains, usually a few hours after consuming the food.

How to find out if you are intolerant to foods?

At Lorisian, the experts call this our personal “food fingerprint.” Discovering and understanding your food and drink intolerances† and their effects on your health and well-being is essential to ensuring you make the best choices to balance your diet.

How to test for food intolerance?

The “Premium food intolerance test” kit from Yorktest contains everything you need to take a small blood sample (2 – 3 drops) in your home. Return your sample to the laboratories using the provided prepaid (UK only) envelope. Expert laboratory technicians will then analyse it for reactions to 208 foods and drinks. They will post your confidential results and additional support material within ten days.

Are blood tests for food intolerances accurate?

When you have received your results and are ready, you can contact us to book your appointment with one of our qualified nutritional therapists. These half-hour sessions will provide support and knowledge to assist you in your new diet, ensuring you are confident in the changes you can make to improve your health and well-being. In our latest customer survey, 4 out of 5 customers told us that they had seen improvements in their health after following a programme, and 89% of those people did so within just one month of dietary change.

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The Diabetes Test is a quick and easy home-to-lab finger-prick blood test that measures glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in your blood. HbA1c measures your average blood glucose (sugar) levels over the past three months. As a result, this test is a helpful indicator and allows for early detection of risk for diabetes.

Parkland Natural Health &
10% off

Are you concerned about your liver health? Do you think your alcohol consumption, weight, or unhealthy diet may impact your liver function? Your liver function affects your everyday health in many different ways. Begin the journey to improving your health and well-being with our Liver Function Test.

  • Tests for seven health markers of liver function status, including Albumin, Globulin and Total Protein.
  • Simple at-home finger-prick blood test.
  • Provides hospital standard, easy-to-read traffic light results.
  • Receive advice to support your overall health better.
  • Access results via your secure, personal Wellness Hub account.

Only available in the UK. Customers must be aged 18 years or over to take this test. This test is not available to customers who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Parkland Natural Health &
20% off

This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.

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20% off

Are you suffering from headaches, bloating, or tiredness? These are often signs of food sensitivity or intolerance affecting your daily life. Premium Food Intolerance Test is our most comprehensive food intolerance test, which analyses your IgG reactions to 208 food and drinks ingredients. YorkTest will provide precise results and nutritional support to help replace problem foods and optimise your diet.

Parkland Natural Health &
20% off

Do you experience reactions to foods and think an allergy might cause them? Do you experience hay fever-type symptoms, the cause of which is unknown to you? Allergies can be challenging to pinpoint. And it’s almost impossible to deal with an allergy without identifying what is causing the problem. This Food Allergy Test is a fast and reliable home-to-laboratory allergy testing service.

Parkland Natural Health &
11% off

Carrier status, the risk for hereditary diseases, impact vitamins, nutrients, and predisposition to nutrient intolerances and DNA ancestry.

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8% off

This microbiome test shows how gut bacteria impact your health. Gut bacteria can protect you from 5 diseases. They also synthesise eight vitamins and influence the immune system. Get personalised food recommendations to help you balance your microbiome.

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