Discover the Best Colonic Irrigation Near You!
Are you looking for a thorough detox cleansing regime? Look no further! Parkland Natural Health Clinic offers a fantastic deal on colonic irrigation with bicarbonate of soda. Kickstart your detox journey with three colonics and an initial consultation. The closed-system colonic hydrotherapy in London is unparalleled!
For a comprehensive colon hydrotherapy experience, opt for the probiotic implant and colonic irrigation combo. Get rid of gas and cleanse your system with liver and gallbladder-stimulating herbal implants, accompanied by a relaxing consultation.
Say goodbye to parasites with the anti-parasite implant during your colon hydrotherapy session—experience holistic healthcare at its best with Parkland in London.
Incorporate alkalising benefits with sodium bicarbonate colon hydrotherapy. Besides, it is a safe and effective way to kill off candida! The treatment also includes an initial consultation.
Experience top-notch colonic hydrotherapy with a professional colon hydrotherapist registered with RICTAT and ARCH at Parkland. We use only the best-closed system in London.
Aside from colonic irrigation, we provide a variety of services. Our comprehensive food intolerance test analyses reactions to 208 ingredients, aiding in formulating an IgG-guided elimination diet.
Find relief and restore balance with osteopathy treatments by Gilly Arbuckle. Further, initial and follow-up treatments are available, accompanied by a consultation.
Also, try the Boyzone waxing for men seeking hair removal, including back, sac, and crack. Our specialists offer quick, efficient, and safe bikini waxing for men in our London clinic.
Ladies, achieve the perfect hair removal with a Brazilian bikini or Hollywood waxing. Whether you prefer a clean slate or a precise look, we’ve got you covered!
Finally, reshape your body with expert LPG Endermologie Lipomassage. Improve body tone and prevent cellulite formation with our Anti-cellulite Massage. Experience natural healing at Parkland Natural Health today!