
Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 17th May 2024
NEURANGIOSIS - neurohumoral regulation of the vegetative function explained at Parkland Natural Health

Neurangiosis designates inherently functional but different in origin and symptoms of vegetative disturbances. They are the consequences of neurohumoral regulation of the vegetative function. This disorder usually occurs during neuroses, hypodynamia, endocrine disharmonies during pubertal and climacteric periods, neurosis-like states caused by neuropsychic or physical overwork, infections, intoxications, abstinence (in case of toxicomania), etc.

The neurangiosis pathogenesis usually involves impaired regulation of vegetative activity at all levels, from the brain cortex to the peripheral segments of the vegetative nervous system (including adrenal and cholinoreceptors of the executive organs) and endocrine regulation segments.

Neurohumoral regulation of the vegetative function

However, depending on the neurangiosis form and aetiology, the principal pathogenetic value for any level – cortical, subthalamic, etc. – can be specified, with the prevailing activity of either the parasympathetic or sympathetic vegetative nervous system segment. Most patients have some form of asthenia or other – fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, a low pain sensitivity threshold with different senesthopathias (a sensation of insufficient breathing, cardialgia, a burning sensation in other body parts, etc.).

Among other vegetative dysfunctions, symptoms are

  • a sensation of palpitation (in case of a predilection for sinus bradycardia or tachycardia),
  • supraventricular (sometimes ventricular) extrasystolia,
  • Bouveret’s disease,
  • pathological vasomotor reactions – a sensation of fever and cold,
  • arise or fall in arterial pressure,
  • skin pallor or hyperemia,
  • hand and foot chilliness,
  • overall or mainly local (axillary, palmar) sweating,
  • secretory and motor gastrointestinal tract dysfunction,
  • sexual function disturbances, etc.

In addition, we have accumulated significant statistics over the past fourteen years, providing preventive treatment to patients diagnosed with Neurangiosis. Besides, we noticed significant improvements in the general health status of most patients with regular colonic hydrotherapy using sodium bicarbonate. Moreover, positive effects are observed for longer with probiotic implants.

We also recommend a food intolerance test to reduce the number of factors affecting health negatively.