Enteroptosis – abnormal downward displacement of the intestine

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 17th May 2024
Enteroptosis - abnormal downward displacement of the intestine. Cleansing of the small intestine and digestive system/gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances. Colonic irrigation in Havering

Enteroptosis is the abnormal downward displacement of the intestine. If you are diagnosed with this condition, the intestinal loops are displaced far below the required location.

This deviation from the norm is fraught with unpleasant consequences in circulatory disorders. Consequently, it worsens the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Enteroptosis has a multifaceted background. Firstly, this occurrence is genetically conditioned. Another reason may be the individual features of the human body structure, where there is a lowered tone of the abdominal muscles and a low diaphragm position. The curvature of the spine (lordosis) can also cause enteroptosis.

People actively engaging in physical labour or sports are also at risk of developing enteroptosis. Rapid weight loss can also cause abnormal downward displacement of the intestine.

Abnormal downward displacement of the stomach can also lead to further movement of the remaining digestive organs.


Symptoms of this disease are pervasive. These include:

  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen and groin area;
  • Uncomfortable feelings in the gut when the body is in its vertical position. Headaches and nausea usually accompany them;
  • Flatulence is frequent, and constipation may form;
  • Men often have a constant urge to urinate. Female menstruation with this diagnosis becomes much more painful;

Medics recommend a comprehensive examination if they suspect the condition. Methods of diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity.
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum.
  • CT scan.

Treatment and prevention of abnormal downward displacement of the intestine or enteroptosis

To combat the diagnosis of abnormal downward displacement of the intestines, a balanced diet, therapeutic physical exercises, specialized massage, and necessary adaptations (for example, a supporting bandage) will help.

Surgical intervention with this disease is appropriate if the other methods have not had the desired effect. In this case, the performed operation does not guarantee the absence of further relapses. Doctors should perform surgical intervention if the disease threatens the work of the abdominal organs, blocking blood flow.


In addition to ancillary tools, specially selected exercises can provide the appropriate support in combating abnormal downward displacement of the intestine. The movements are carried out horizontally in the first stage of the practice. You can move on to more intensive training in the future.

Colonic irrigation will strengthen the intestine muscles and prevent the development of any pathologies.