Colonic hydrotherapy starts the purification of the whole body

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 26th September 2018
Bowels cleansing with fasting. Colonic hydrotherapy starts the purification of the whole body. What exercises can remove fat from the back?

Purifying the whole body of toxins and faecal aggregations is an effective way to improve the digestive tract. We may also need it to increase the effectiveness of diets. So, colonic hydrotherapy is best suited for that modern method of irrigation of the distal intestine with filtered water.

Colonic hydrotherapy is the cleansing of the upper sections of the large intestine with particular pieces of equipment connected to a tank with filtered water. Meanwhile, it is the main distinguishing feature of this technique.

Various devices

This equipment consists of a container with water equipped with a mixer (for monitoring the water temperature), a control unit, a tube and a tip connected to it. It may also involve laser and ultraviolet devices and liquid medications.

So, a specific regulating system of the colonic equipment controls water pressure. This allows us to fill the large intestine with water thoroughly but not overload it or harm the colon’s walls.

Highlights of colonic hydrotherapy. Purification of the whole body

Indications for colonic hydrotherapy:

  • Helminthiases and other parasitic diseases;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • A general intoxication of the body that includes poisoning with food, alcohol and even drugs;
  • Flatulence, bloating and other such disorders;
  • Preparation for surgical intervention and examination;
  • What does colonic hydrotherapy include?
  • Water massage of the walls of the colon by streams of water;
  • Contrast massage of the internal cavity of the digestive tract;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • Restoration of the normal state of microflora with the use of specialised drugs or herbal decoctions;
  • Gentle stimulation of the sensitive part of the intestine

Medical procedure

Colonic hydrotherapy, or intestinal cleansing with the invention’s help, has advantages and disadvantages. However, the procedure starts with the purification of the whole body.

Firstly, it is essential to understand that this is an exclusively medical procedure. Secondly, it is crucial to consult with the gastroenterologist, the therapist, and the psychotherapist. In particular, it’s essential if the patient suffers from irritable bowel syndrome daily.