Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth

Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 30th January 2019
Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis bacteria in the human intestine. Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth

Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth is a modern, effective method of cleansing the human body. It involves washing the cavity with a large volume of purified water using specialised equipment.

One of the oldest ways of healing and treating the body is bowel cleansing with water. Long before the advent of the immune system concept, people discovered a direct link between the intestine and the immune system.

Enema or colonic irrigation

Many of you probably know what an enema is, thanks to a doctor’s prescription in childhood or adulthood. However, this method only solves local problems related to certain diseases.

Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth allows you to clean the intestines thoroughly. Thus, it significantly speeds up metabolism, making weight loss even more intense! Also, the colon tone gets back to normal during the treatment.

We equipped our clinic with individual rooms for effective and safe “physiological” cleaning of the intestines and liver. So we can cleanse the body of toxins, poisons and harmful substances. Further, it stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems.

Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth is a safe, modern therapy.

Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth is the perfect, safe, and effective way to cleanse the body and colon of toxins and parasites. Patients are allowed to clear all sections during an individual course of treatment. Our clinic offers this therapy with therapeutic mineral water. In addition to medicinal herbal extracts, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are available.

Colonic irrigation is an excellent auxiliary treatment

They thoroughly cleanse and normalise the function of the intestines and restore the microflora. Modern equipment guarantees complete safety and high-quality treatments.

This therapy improves the digestive and metabolic processes of the human body. It also reduces allergic tension, restores immunity, improves skin condition, and promotes weight loss.

This therapy solves the problem of constipation and relieves toxic and drug intoxication. That is an excellent auxiliary treatment of ailments of male and female genitalia.