Colonic irrigation in Belfast involves washing the intestines with water using specialised equipment. The equipment controls fluid pressure and displays the process on a monitor.
One of the oldest ways of healing and treating the body is bowel cleansing with water. Long before the advent of the immune system concept, people discovered a direct link between the intestine and the immune system.
It would be best to prepare before colonic irrigation in Belfast. Three days before the start of the colonic course, exclude proteins and fats of animal origin, such as fish, meat, poultry, etc., from the diet.
Colonic irrigation in Belfast allows you to clean the intestines thoroughly, thus significantly speeding up the metabolism. As a result, weight loss will be even more intense! Also, the colon tone is restored during the treatment, and conditions improve for the growth of healthy microflora in it.
The patient must turn on his left side. At the beginning of colon hydrotherapy, a therapist connects a unique system of hoses to the speculum in the rectum. Fluid enters the intestines through one tube, and mucus, faeces, and gases are removed through the other. One session lasts thirty minutes.
Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.
After bowel cleansing using colon hydrotherapy, our clients noted the following:
Colonic irrigation in Belfast has contraindications that our specialists specify before the treatment.
It is impossible to carry out colon hydrotherapy with the following:
We don’t recommend cleaning the intestines in this way in cases of liver failure, tumours of any abdominal cavity organs, Crohn’s disease, or colitis. However, this treatment is entirely safe and painless in other aspects.
Of course, our bodies were created wisely and can cope independently with many toxins and carcinogens. Today, however, the concentration of harmful substances has reached a level the body can not eliminate.
This therapy improves metabolic processes in the digestive system and the human body, reduces allergic tension, restores immunity, improves skin condition, and promotes weight loss.
Our clinic offers this procedure with therapeutic mineral water. In addition, we offer medicinal herbal extracts and good bacteria.
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