Even in ancient times, healers of the most developed civilisations understood the need to cleanse the human body. A variety of techniques are available for that. Getting rid of substances that are toxic to the body has become an even more critical task today. Modern man deals with harmful environmental substances, such as food, drugs, and household chemicals, daily. Colonic irrigation in Peterborough is an excellent help to people in such cases.
Of course, nature created our bodies very wisely and made us cope with many toxins and carcinogens independently. Today, however, the concentration of harmful substances reaches such a level that the body can not eliminate them.
Therefore, people who care about themselves and their loved ones need help with body detox. Colonic irrigation in Peterborough will eliminate pollution in the intestines, pushing the body to self-purify.
Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.
Food can be the primary source of contamination. Our daily food sometimes contains chemicals such as colourants, preservatives, flavours, and other substances. What makes our food so tasty is that most of it causes damage to our stomach, liver, heart, and lungs.
The lion’s share of pollution comes from the air. Surely, each of us has noticed how pleasant the fresh air outside the city, the mountains, and the sea is. It is all because we can breathe deeply, at least relatively clean, compared to urban smog air. It is perhaps easier to say what harmful elements there are in this smog than to list everything that accumulates in our bodies.
When discussing pollution, we should not forget about tap water. Drinking water contains chlorine compounds, a chemical element that protects us from the various microbes that live in water. However, chlorine also makes tap water unsafe for the human body.
Colonic irrigation in Peterborough allows you to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. The therapy is safe and painless.
This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.