Colonic irrigation in Sheffield

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 25th December 2018
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Colonic irrigation in Sheffield (with the colour indication function) is the most popular healing procedure. It has no detrimental side effects and significantly improves the body’s condition by cleaning the walls of the intestine.

The procedure consists of filling and emptying the intestines with herbal solutions. Specialised equipment allows for a high fluid flow rate, which is impossible to achieve with a standard enema.

Preliminary diagnosis

The procedure is not painful or discomforting. Firstly, practitioners manipulate the temperature of the water supply to reduce inconveniences. They also monitor the fluid flow closely throughout the treatment. Secondly, the colour indicator automatically evaluates the effectiveness of the process.

The physician conducts a preliminary diagnosis before the colonic irrigation, as they set the required number of sessions and parameters for each procedure.

Currently, colonic treatments are available at our Holborn location in the centre of London.

Colonic irrigation in Sheffield improves the condition of the intestinal walls.

The liquid flow removes faeces, mucous membranes, stones, dead tissue, and mechanical impurities from the gut. A clean epithelium is a more favourable environment for the digestive bacteria that reside within the colon.

Improving the intestine is essential for the digestive system and the whole body. The procedure stimulates the intestinal walls to contract so food can be digested properly. Moreover, colonic irrigation in Sheffield improves the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.


Symptoms caused by intestinal pathogens disappear momentarily; the stool normalises, and any discomfort from eating disappears. The patient will achieve a healthier body with a normalised appetite and a regular sleep cycle. After the procedure, the body feels lighter and more active.