A colonoscopy is a diagnostic tool for intestinal problems.

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 29th May 2018
Colonoscopy; a method for diagnosis and treatment of intestinal health problems

If the patient complains about intestinal pain in the abdomen and anorectal area and adverse blood counts, then coloproctologists prescribe a colonoscopy procedure.


Colonoscopy is a modern instrumental research method used to diagnose pathological conditions of the colon and rectum. This procedure includes a colonoscopy through which doctors can visually assess the shape of the large intestine.

Colonoscopy: preparation for the procedure and aftermath.

The doctor can visually assess the mucous membrane condition and intestinal motility during the colonoscopy procedure. If the diameter of the intestinal lumen is too tiny, expanding the narrowed intestine is crucial. The specialist can also see changes in the colon’s walls on the computer screen and allocate pathological formations (cracks, polyps of the rectum, tumours, or foreign bodies) if there are any.


The colonoscopy procedure allows for removing small benign tumours or polyps, identifying the causes of intestinal bleeding, and eliminating it by thermocoagulation. Moreover, the doctor can take pictures of the colon’s internal lining.

To sum up, all these possibilities make colonoscopy the most informative diagnostic method. It is essential to cleanse your intestine by having colonic irrigation at our clinic in London before the diagnostic procedure. So, contact a specialist for more information about the process.