
Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 17th April 2012

Cytomegalovirus contamination is possible to observe everywhere. However, we can rarely see clinical manifestations. The disease-producing agent is pathogenic to man alone. So, its cultivation in vitro is only possible in human cell cultures, as no experimental animal is susceptible to the infection.

Clinics generally record cytomegalovirus infections with infants under two and older adults. However, we can find records of local and generalized lesions more often. Patients have neoplastic processes, AIDS, after organ transplantation or with patients who take steroids.

Infection cytomegalovirus

The infectious agent may be transmitted through the placenta by contact, while the fetus advances through the generative passage, breastfeeding, blood transfusion, or intercourse. Some experts also believe there can be an airborne transmission of cytomegalovirus or through urine. Perinatal contamination can be observed in one per cent of neonates, often with subclinical manifestations.

In some cases, though not very often, the disease runs a grave course and is lethal. Besides, the acute form cytomegalovirus standard is lesions of many internal organs. It includes the encephalon, kidneys, liver, and hemopoietic organs. The typical lesion in the subacute form is atypical interstitial pneumonia.

In some cases, colonic hydrotherapy can make a patient feel better. And the beneficial planting of bacteria in the large intestine significantly improves the functioning of the immune system.