Chronic gastritis causes inflammation of the stomach mucosa. Besides, in…
Anatori Sealife
Comments 0 17th July 2020Uncategorized
/Once again, about antibiotics./ Never take an antibiotic until your hands get a blood test with leukoformula(Leukocyte formula). Remember or write yourself somewhere in a conspicuous place:
Firstly, an increase in white blood cells, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), lymphocytes means viral infection;
secondly, an increase in leukocytes, ESR, neutrophils of segonuclear and stab nuclear + decreased lymphocytes means a bacterial infection;
thirdly, there is no bacterial infection without an increase in neutrophils;
furthermore, many lymphocytes and white blood cells are the reason not to use an antibiotic.
After you find out what caused the infection, ask your doctor for a prescription:
In viral infection, you need offensive drinking, airing, moisturizing the nose, rinsing the nose, and symptomatic therapy.
You need to consult your doctor for the antibiotic in the right dosage in case of bacterial infection.
Probiotic implant and alkalising colonic with bicarbonate of soda
Alkalising colonic irrigation with bicarbonate of soda and high strength probiotic implants and comprehensive consultation is available at Parkland Natural Health Clinic.
A fever for 4 to 5 days is normal until the sixth day of the disease (without good reason); doctors should not prescribe antibiotics.
Hard-reduced fever is a sign of vasospasm. So, you need to add noshpa(Drotaverine is an antispasmodic drug) to an antipyretic. Do not inject cephalosporins.
If there is any suspicion, you need to have an urgent blood test (detailed), considering the number of neutrophils (since ESR and white blood cells may increase due to various reasons). The level of lymphocytes increases with viral diseases. And with bacterial ones, the number of stabs and segmented neutrophils increases sharply.
Children under 3 (or under six years old) should not have sinusitis. They have neither maxillary sinuses nor frontal sinuses. Prolonged snot of any colour in 90% of cases means inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil, adenoiditis, adenoids or reactive, secondary runny nose (if the child was “overmedicalized”).
The antibiotic is given strictly according to the course and nothing else with confirmed bacterial infections. In vomiting, the medicine is provided in injections, in other cases – in a liquid form.
Alkalising colonic irrigation with sodium bicarbonate
Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.