Symptoms of bowel and rectum cancer

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 11th October 2018
Effective treatment of dysbiosis. Symptoms of bowel and rectum cancer

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the intestine is the second organ in the human body. Meanwhile, symptoms of bowel and rectum cancer accompany lousy health.

Furthermore, the prerequisites for such a widespread of this pathology lie in the risk factors of its development. The leading causes of intestinal cancer are:

  • excessive enthusiasm for diets;
  • excess weight;
  • bad habits, including smoking as well as alcohol abuse;
  • the presence of intestinal pathologies of inflammatory nature.

Also, recent studies in this direction have shown that people who took antibiotic drugs in their youth often or long-term tend to develop colorectal cancer.

Consult with a specialist

Symptoms of bowel and rectum cancer manifest only in the second, third, or fourth stage. Besides, there are practically no vivid manifestations of this pathology, and people often confuse it with the relatively common problems of the digestive organs: poisoning, overeating, and poor pickling.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in case of any unusual manifestations of the intestine. Since the timely diagnosis of intestinal cancer is the basis of its effective treatment.

Symptoms of bowel and rectum cancer and diagnosis of the disease

Signs of oncology of bowel and rectum divide into bowel and rectum cancer symptoms. Colon cancer has such symptoms:

  • aching pain in the abdomen, which tends to gain in certain body positions;
  • digestive problems, most commonly abdominal distention, chronic stool disorder, intestinal obstruction, persistent nausea and vomiting;
  • ascites or abdominal dropsy – a pathology characterised by an abnormal volume of fluid in the abdominal cavity, sometimes up to 20 litres;
  • intraperitoneal hypertension.


Cancer of the small intestine suggests:

  • discolouration of faecal masses in dark tones, as well as the presence of blood in them;
  • acute attacks of gastralgia – pains of a cramping character in the abdomen;
  • sudden intolerance to certain foods;
  • copper taste in the mouth;
  • Traditional manifestations of problems with poisoning: include vomiting, nausea and the feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Meanwhile, colonic irrigation is one of the remedies for preventing cancer.