The peculiarity of any cancer is that it practically does not show painful symptoms. And few people would think that abdominal discomfort can be a severe sign of such a dangerous disease as bowel cancer. The Symptoms of bowel cancer in men are almost the same as those in women.
Bowel cancer belongs to the category of diseases that may appear too late for adequate treatment. A person can live in peace and refer himself to healthy people.
Meanwhile, the signs of cancer develop in several scenarios. The intensity of the symptoms will depend on the patient’s health and the degree of damage. To determine the presence of cancer in the intestine with high accuracy or eliminate it can only be based on the survey.
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Moreover, the data from a colonoscopy and an ultrasound scan of the intestine are preferred. The procedure is slightly unpleasant and painful, but only this type of research allows you to explore the entire colon and rectum fully today.
However, the final diagnosis derives from all clinical tests: stool and blood analysis, abdominal ultrasound, and colonoscopy results. The intestine is part of the digestive tract. So, a complete examination, including gastroscopy, is a common practice for an accurate diagnosis.
Symptoms of bowel cancer in men and women may increase gradually. Some symptoms appear first. Then, other symptoms appear, then a remission stage may occur. Sometimes, the patient begins treatment of entirely different organs due to incorrectly recognised symptoms. Indeed, it can be complicated to pinpoint the symptoms accurately and have a certain resemblance to many other diseases. We strongly recommend colonoscopy to all patients because it can give a complete picture of the possible condition.
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Chronic constipation should alert the patient, as well as constant bloating and pain. These may be symptoms of small intestine cancer, especially if there are signs of dyspeptic cancer. Jaundice can sometimes appear if a tumour has spread metastases to the liver tissue or has struck the gallbladder. The primary symptoms include a feeling of fullness in the intestines, even just after evacuation.
The symptoms of bowel cancer in men and women vary depending on the type. Switching to a healthier diet is usually enough if intestinal disorders are temporary. But in the case of cancer, dieting will no longer help; the signs will not disappear.
It is necessary to carefully analyse and exclude factors that can provoke violations. One such aspect is taking antibiotics or drugs that affect the digestive tract’s work. If there are suspicions of severe changes, it is better to contact the proctologist for competent and suitable treatment immediately.
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