Good bacteria in our intestinal tract

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 1st November 2018
Stool test for bowel cancer. polyps oncology. Good bacteria in our digestive system and intestinal tract. Symptoms

We contact millions and millions of very different bacteria every day. Despite the prevailing opinion, not all are potentially dangerous to health. On the contrary, most microbes can provide invaluable help to our bodies. So, let’s see what good bacteria L. acidophilus do for our intestinal tract, digestive, and immune systems. 

It is a permanent inhabitant of our digestive system. It also feels great at a 35-38 ° C temperature and lack of oxygen.

Acidophilus is a good bacteria that helps restore the bowels’ microflora. Unfortunately, stress or antibiotics can disturb it. However, it is the most widespread microbes found in dairy products. Besides, Acidophilus multiplies in an acidic environment and protects the intestinal tract from harmful substances.

Immune system

These bacteria are most helpful in improving the immune system. Moreover, they benefit the functioning of the stomach and intestines, reduce cholesterol levels and normalise the performance of the intestinal tract.

Bifidobacterium longum is an anaerobic bacterium that lives in the human intestine. It ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system, slows the growth of harmful microbes, and stimulates the immune system.

This bacteria ferments sugar and lowers the pH level in the intestinal tract, reducing cholesterol in the body.

Examples of good bacteria in our intestinal tract

Bifidobacterium longum is a bacterium that enters the intestines of newborns and infants among the first. In Japan, scientists are studying the use of these microbes in cancer treatment.

Streptococcus thermophilus. Anaerobic lactic acid bacteria.


These beneficial bacteria help treat lactose intolerance and other chronic diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis.

Bifidobacterium Lactis (B.animalis) is an anaerobic bacterium found in the intestinal tract and produces lactic acid, reducing the pH level. It improves the bowels, prevents constipation, and helps with diarrhoea, especially in babies.

Bifidobacterium animalis increases IgA levels in the intestines, thus helping to fight rotaviruses. Besides, it helps with inflammation and improves the immune system and the body’s response to pathogenic bacteria.

Cleansing the intestines in our clinic in London will help restore the intestinal microflora.