Eczema is a chronic allergic skin disorder that may begin between one month and one year. It often subsides by age three but flares up again at any age. Eczema typically manifests on the skin of the hands, scalp, face, back of the neck, or creases of elbows and knees. Scratching or rubbing may also lead to darkened, hardened areas of thickened skin with accentuated furrows, most commonly seen on the front of the wrists, elbows, and back of the knees.
Eczema signals an immediate allergic response, and two-thirds of eczema sufferers have a family history of the disease. Many eczema sufferers also develop hay fever and asthma. Many eczema sufferers improve with a diet that eliminates typical food allergens such as milk, eggs, peanuts, and, to a lesser extent, fish, soy, wheat, citrus, and chocolate. Environmental allergens, such as ointments, soaps, detergents, cleansers, tanning agents, dyes, and topical medications, may also trigger eczema.
Specialised white blood cells called mast cells have abnormalities that cause them to release higher amounts of histamine and other allergic compounds than those without eczema. Eczema sufferers also have a defect in the activity of the “alternative complement pathway” (a mechanism for destroying bacteria and foreign particles).
Studies have shown that omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids are significantly lower in people with eczema. This imbalance leads to a greater tendency to inflammation and allergies because omega-6 EFAs produce pro-inflammatory prostaglandins (hormone-like compounds).
Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.
Elevated levels of anti-candida antibodies are typical in atopic individuals. The higher the level of these antibodies, the more severe the eczema.
Stress can also provoke and aggravate itching in people with eczema.
Eczema is a chronic allergic skin disorder that may begin between one month and one year. It often subsides by age three but flares up again at any age. Eczema typically manifests on the skin of the hands, scalp, face, back of the neck, or creases of elbows and knees. Scratching or rubbing may lead to darkened, hardened areas of thickened skin with accentuated furrows, most commonly seen on the front of the wrists, elbows, and back of the knees.
The ideal pattern of colonic treatments includes three alkalising colon hydrotherapy treatments with sodium bicarbonate, one anti-parasitic implant on the first treatment, one liver and gall bladder stimulating herbal implant on the second treatment, and a high-strength probiotic implant on the third colonic.
This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.