Cleansing of the intestine and liver

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 19th September 2018
Liver and gall bladder flush. Cleansing of the intestine and liver with mineral water

Harmful ballast substances can accumulate in the body due to malnutrition and ageing. Therefore, cleansing the intestine and liver with mineral water is essential to health.

So, from time to time, it is necessary to carry out procedures for the body detox covering the intestine, liver, and kidneys. And, as the final, body fluids are purified. Several methods of detoxing the body at home exist.

Intestinal Cleansing

Usually, we think of intestinal cleansing as an underwater intestinal lavage or colonic irrigation. There are two main ways to cleanse your colon at home: using particular medications or salted water.

In the latter case, we must drink about ten glasses of salted water within 60 to 90 minutes. The salt content is about a teaspoon per litre of water. It is advisable to repeat this procedure three to five times, with interruptions of one or two days, and then several times a year.

The contraindications are severe gastritis, stomach ulcers, diseases of the pancreas or intestines, and infectious diseases in the acute stage.

The professional helps in the cleansing of the intestine and liver

A great way to cleanse the intestines is colonic hydrotherapy. So, contact our clinic in London for advice on bowel irrigation.

What is the cleansing of the liver?

You can begin to detox the liver after cleansing the intestine. We call that procedure “tyubazh or tubage”. Another name for that is “liver flush”. On an empty stomach, the patient can drink 200-250 millilitres of mineral water from the pre-open bottle in the morning.

Add 5 g of magnesium sulphate(Epsom salt) or sorbitol to mineral water. That contributes to a more active release of the gallbladder. Further, again, you need to have the same amount of mineral water in 15 to 20 minutes. After the water, the patient should lie down and remain horizontal for 1.5-2 hours, with a warmer in the right hypochondrium.

There are contraindications; therefore, it is better to perform the procedure under the supervision of specialists. Besides, cleansing the intestines and liver has guaranteed health and well-being for many years.