Colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster

Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 1st February 2019
Colonic irrigation in Bath to treat metabolic disorders. Colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster

The main task of colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster is to eliminate the pathological process in the bowels. To clarify, it is a source of intoxication for the body. Subsequently, it will stabilise its microflora and electrolyte balance.

When we eat unhealthily, waste gradually accumulates on the walls of our intestines. Further, it forms toxins that are spread throughout the body, disrupting the functioning of internal organs. Is it any wonder we suffer from obesity, allergies, constipation, and bad breath?

However, as a rule, the most effective withdrawal of toxins occurs at the third or fourth session since the preparation of faecal matter for release and detachment from the most inaccessible areas of the large intestine.


By the way, the entire procedure lasts about one hour. Commonly recommended, a course of colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster includes up to six sessions. Besides, you will notice improved mood and well-being efficiency after the first session. The practitioner may offer Karlovy Vary mineral salt solutions or sorbents saturated with oxygen.

Those options allow the bowels to be washed gently with sixty litres of the solution in a single treatment. As a result of which, a complete colon cleansing occurs. Therefore, you must take the prophylactic course of supplements to maintain intestinal microflora at the end of the colonic sequence.

What are the results of colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster?

At the end of the colon hydrotherapy course in Lancaster:

  • improving skin condition;
  • restoration of motor activity of the rectum;
  • significant weight loss;
  • general improvement of health, vigour, and the disappearance of depressive states;
  • removal of thickened bile from the liver and sand from the kidneys;
  • elimination of recurrent headaches.

As a result, colonic therapy is safe for the body and has no complications or contraindications.