Constipation can accompany various diseases of the digestive system such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic cholecystitis, haemorrhoids, rectal fissures, benign and malignant tumours in the intestines. Colon hydrotherapy in Wales will help restore normal bowel function and relieve constipation.
Seek immediate medical attention if stool retention is accompanied by symptoms such as:
Sometimes, to adjust the bowel movements, you need to correct the diet. Also, colon hydrotherapy in Wales will help rid the body of waste and harmful substances already accumulated in it.
Introduce bran bread and wholemeal bread on the menu. Pay attention to some fruits and vegetables.
Some fermented foods may strengthen intestinal peristalsis. For instance, sour acidophilic milk, yoghurt, one-day or two-day kefir, koumiss, kvass are those types of food. Moreover, drink more fluids – up to two or three litres per day. For a while, refuse cocoa, rice, white bread, chocolate, and black coffee as those have astringent properties. Do not abuse the refined food such as white bread, polished rice, pasta from high-grade flour. In such products, there is practically no fibre, which would “work” like a brush in the intestine. As a result, it removes all the waste substances from the colon on time.
Colon hydrotherapy in Wales is an administered colonic dialysis followed by the introduction of a solution saturated with ozone or an infusion of various herbal extracts. Besides, this method of administration allows the substance to be absorbed directly through the mucous membrane of the colon, bypassing the enzyme systems of the stomach and duodenum. As a result, it has a powerful systemic effect, penetrating directly into the bloodstream due to diffusion. In some cases, the influence is far superior to the achievement of treatment with expensive drugs.