Colonic irrigation in Hackney

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 28th November 2018
Colonic irrigation in Hackney or Enfield

Colonic irrigation in Hackney is a modern type of enema therapy with special equipment. Firstly, it introduces water into the large intestine through a flexible tube and a separate unique corrugated hose. Secondly, the therapist monitors the whole process. Besides, one colon hydrotherapy procedure is equivalent to approximately 20 enema therapy sessions. Moreover, modern technology has made this procedure painless and safe for the patient.

Furthermore, ancient healers used the method of colon hydrotherapy. Archaeologists found images depicting its use in the Egyptian pyramids.

Remove toxins

The modern pace of life and junk food lead to blockage of the intestines, causing many diseases. As we know, the large intestine is the end portion of the digestive tract. To clarify, it has a width of 4 to 7 cm and a length of three feet. Furthermore, the primary functions of the colon are fluid absorption and excretion of faeces.

The abundance of fried, fatty, smoked, refined food and a large amount of sugar and alcohol leads to gradual clogging of the colon’s lumen.

Also, modern fashionable diets do not contain enough fibre to help remove toxins from the body. As a result, that may lead to the accumulation of toxins on the large intestine walls, where pathogenic bacteria and parasites multiply rapidly.

What are the indications for Colonic irrigation in Hackney?

A clogged colon can cause diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes, constipation, weakening of the immune system, dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, sleep disturbances, the development of allergic reactions, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Surprisingly, some overweight people carry between 5 and 25 kg of excess weight inside due to a clogged large intestine. The course of colon hydrotherapy procedures helps eliminate excess weight and many associated diseases. A sequence of colon hydrotherapy ranges from 7 to 8 sessions, usually.


Indications for the use of colonic irrigation in Hackney:

  • overweight, obesity;
  • diarrhoea and constipation of various etiologies;
  • haemorrhoids without exacerbation;
  • intestinal toxicosis;
  • colon dyskinesia;
  • cervical erosion, vaginosis;
  • acne;
  • alcohol intoxication, narcotic intoxication, radionuclide contamination, chemical poisoning;
  • skin diseases;
  • decreased immunity, unpleasant body odour, weakness, and frequent respiratory diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • bloating and flatulence.

To sum up, colonic irrigation in Hackney in our clinic is a professional help to the body get rid of harmful substances and toxins.