Dermal Fillers FAQ

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 23rd May 2019
Non-surgical nose correction with HA dermal filler


As the skin ages, it gradually loses some of its collagen, hyaluronic acid, and fat. These materials prevent the skin from becoming droopy or saggy. Dermal fillers help restore our skin to its former youthful appearance. We inject this material into the skin in areas that need to plump up again and look firmer.  

Which one do you use?

There are many kinds of fillers, and new ones are coming onto the market every day. Generally, they consist of either collagen or hyaluronic acid and last 6-12 months. Some common brand names include Teosyal, Restylane, Hydrafill, Juvederm and Radiesse. We use Teosyal, an Award-winning 100% hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler.

We use Dermal Fillers as a non-animal product. It causes less pain and swelling on injection. Moreover, it is very versatile and has a superb safety record. Furthermore, it is temporary, allowing you to reassess your needs in 6-12 months. Clinicians injected over 600,000 syringes before January 2008. Less than 1 in 20,000 reported any short-term and mild side effects.

Which areas can be treated with Dermal Fillers?

  • Nasolabial lines (nose to cheek lines) 
  • Diagonal lines from the corner of the mouth (marionette lines) 
  • Vertical lines around the mouth (smokers’ lines) 
  • Frown lines 
  • Horizontal brow lines 
  • Scar treatment (including acne scars)

Does it hurt?

The injections usually last under 5 minutes. The needle is incredibly tiny, and pain is usually not an issue, especially after the numbing cream.

What are the possible side effects of dermal fillers?

These are incredibly safe injections. There may be slight redness and swelling at the injection site, and occasionally, there may be some minor bruising. This bruising generally subsides over 72 hours. You can avoid lumps at the injection site by massaging the product.

When will I see the results, and how long will it last?

The results are visible immediately. The degree of correction depends on the patient’s wishes and the amount of product used. The result is that dermal fillers usually last 6-12 months.