Detoxification and cleansing of the intestine

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 27th May 2018
Is losing weight in a month safe? Detoxification and cleansing of the intestine.

The old saying is that “death begins in the large intestine”. It’s too simple to say, but contains a certain amount of truth. The path to health begins with cleansing, regardless of whether it is a disease or a disorder. Detoxification and purification of the intestines are necessary for almost everyone.

Unfortunately, most people reduce their understanding of bowel cleansing to its faecal contents. The cleansing programs remove the old faeces from the colon. However, limiting the cleansing discussion by this aspect means missing out on the big picture.


We have one continuous tube from the oral cavity to the anus, and each part performs a specific task:

  • digesting the food we eat;
  • transfer of nutrients into the body;
  • processing of food waste and its removal from the body;
  • work as a drain pipe for wastes generated as a result of metabolism;
  • elimination of toxins absorbed through the lungs, skin, etc.;
  • The first line of defence of the immune system is identifying and removing viruses and pathogens entering the body with food.

Detoxification and cleansing of the intestine

Any colonic irrigation program must carry out the following functions:

  • Remove all old faeces and waste from the colon;
  • Eliminate excessive amounts of nutrients and remnants of drugs that accumulate in the body as a result of the improper functioning of the excretory system;
  • strengthen the muscles of the colon;
  • Help treat injuries, hernia, and inflammation of the small and large intestines;
  • eliminate polyps and other abnormal formations that have developed due to an unhealthy intestinal environment
  • Ideally, restoration and replenishment of beneficial bacterial cultures must cover almost every square centimetre of the vessel – from the oral cavity to the anus.


For instance, in 2015, more than seventeen million people in such countries as Russia suffered from digestive disorders. And, now, it was twenty-five million in 2018. Gastrointestinal disorders are responsible for more than fifty million doctor visits. That is undoubtedly the most significant number of hospitalisations for any other category of medical problems today.

Detoxification and cleansing of the intestine in our clinic suit all who have digestive disorders.