The old saying is that “death begins in the large intestine”. It’s too simple to say, but contains a certain amount of truth. The path to health begins with cleansing, regardless of whether it is a disease or a disorder. Detoxification and purification of the intestines are necessary for almost everyone.
Unfortunately, most people reduce their understanding of bowel cleansing to its faecal contents. The cleansing programs remove the old faeces from the colon. However, limiting the cleansing discussion by this aspect means missing out on the big picture.
We have one continuous tube from the oral cavity to the anus, and each part performs a specific task:
The ideal pattern of colonic treatments includes three alkalising colon hydrotherapy treatments with sodium bicarbonate, one anti-parasitic implant on the first treatment, one liver and gall bladder stimulating herbal implant on the second treatment, and a high-strength probiotic implant on the third colonic.
Any colonic irrigation program must carry out the following functions:
For instance, in 2015, more than seventeen million people in such countries as Russia suffered from digestive disorders. And, now, it was twenty-five million in 2018. Gastrointestinal disorders are responsible for more than fifty million doctor visits. That is undoubtedly the most significant number of hospitalisations for any other category of medical problems today.
Detoxification and cleansing of the intestine in our clinic suit all who have digestive disorders.
This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.