How to lose those extra pounds?

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 22nd July 2018
Dealing with cellulite with the help of massage. Effective methods of dealing with cellulite. How to lose those extra pounds?

There is an opinion that willpower is the most crucial weapon in combating obesity. We often hear that when dealing with losing weight, we must resist the temptation to eat everything in sight—like losing those extra pounds is just a matter of willpower. To this, nutritionists regretfully state that there are many other factors without which getting rid of excess weight becomes problematic. So, how do you lose extra pounds quickly and as simply as possible?


Of course, control over self-awareness, willpower and discipline is essential. But we must bear in mind that the weight of a person contributes to many factors:

  • genetics;
  • culture;
  • lifestyle;
  • environment;
  • features of work;
  • the disease’s history;
  • the prevailing attitude towards food and health.

You will undoubtedly fail against weight when everything is written off only on willpower. The good news is that if you eat healthily and exercise regularly, you can overcome negative factors among those named. Answering how to lose extra pounds, you need to approach this matter differently.

How to lose those extra pounds: water, fasting and rest

The human body needs water to survive. Water is required in large quantities to compensate for the daily loss of fluid in the body. However, drinking water alone does not lead to effective and rapid weight loss. Drinking water in large quantities:

  • Suppresses appetite;
  • can improve muscle tone;
  • helps the kidneys and intestines work better;
  • eliminates constipation and diarrhoea.

Skipping meals contributes to weight gain with even worse results. Metabolism slows down when a person is hungry and feels insatiable. So you will want to eat much more during the next meal. Dietitians believe skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do for your health.

System of the body

For the body to work correctly, we fill it with “fuel” from glucose, a simple form of sugar that provides energy to the entire body.

The central nervous system and the brain require glucose to be present in the body. If the body does not receive glucose, it will be forced to store carbohydrates as an alternative “fuel.” So we learned how to lose those extra pounds, saving your health. Colonic irrigation will eliminate harmful substances and toxins accumulated in the body for a long time.