Role of probiotics in maintaining human health

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 4th June 2018
Role of probiotics in maintaining human health. What is a probiotic? What medicines are for the restoration of intestinal microflora in children?

Man is the king of nature. We did not dispute this statement. Daily news feeds from year to year give us a reason to doubt it. New epidemics and mysterious infections that have never been heard about now collect abundant deadly harvests—yet in the underdeveloped regions of the Earth. Is it possible to build a reliable barrier against these threats? Scientists claim that it is. These are probiotic drugs or so-called live preparations.


The beginning of a large-scale study of the role of living microbes in our health and longevity. Ilyich Mechnikov believed that old age and death of a human come prematurely due to self-poisoning of the body by microbes and other poisons. The scientist considered the composition of the intestinal microflora to be particularly important. Moreover, Metchnikov applied Bulgarian lactobacillus. The Latin name of this probiotic is Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.

In 1905, Mechnikov invited Grigorov to Pasteur Institute, where he was a director and lectured about his discovery.

How were probiotics discovered?

For example, Bacillus subtilis VKPM B 10641 is one of over 3,000 strains. It has been studied to date and constitutes a diversity of this species of bacteria.

The NGO Vector has been actively developing for ten years. By 1990, it employed around 4,000 high-class specialists. They understood both the creation and the issues of countering biological weapons. Besides, Vector specialists developed dozens of drugs for effectively treating cancer, hepatitis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc. They created several variants of vaccines for Ebola and other diseases caused by hazardous infections. They also produced the probiotic Bacillus subtilis.

In Vektor, in the early 1990s, the assembly of the first human object – the plasmid, the producer of interferon-alpha-2 leukocyte human, the principal protein of the immune system.


The NPF “Research Center” has started producing the preparations for the series “Vetom. “Vetoms” continues a theme that ended in the 1990s with the creation of Subalin.

Every probiotic drug has a specific original microorganism as an active ingredient. In short, it produces a unique range of nutrients for the environment.

Theoretically, it is impossible to formulate which are most effective for the recovery of a particular person. Hence, it is necessary to select an optimal probiotic medication independently through thorough research.

Call our clinic in London for advice on probiotics and keeping your body healthy and in excellent form!