There are three macroscopic forms of intestinal cancer. Signs of bowel cancer may also vary slightly. The oncological slogan suspicion is the key to recognition takes on special significance.
Signs of colon oncology may also manifest themselves in the general condition of patients:
Such signs of bowel cancer are feeling heaviness and fullness in the abdomen within 3-4 hours after eating, rumbling in the stomach, and abdominal distension. Changes in the frequency of defecation and a tendency to constipation are also frequent. Abdominal pain is among the numerous early signs of large intestine malignant tumours.
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With the disease in the right half of the intestine, pain as a symptom occurs three times more often than on the left side, which is relatively soon involved in the tumour process on the right side due to anatomical features.
An increase in temperature due to the inflammatory process in the nearby lymph nodes is a frequent companion of pain and an alarming symptom of colon cancer. Pathological impurities in the stool (blood, mucus) are no pathognomonic signs of colon tumours. But always require the exclusion of this pathology.
Scarlet blood flow is typical for cancer of the anal canal and rectum. Dark blood is more characteristic of the left half of the colon.
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Chronic blood loss in proximal colon tumours leads to anaemia with pale skin and weakness. In some cases, the first symptom of a neoplasm in the colon is a tumour-like consolidation in the abdominal cavity found by a patient or doctor. Besides, that is a grave indicator of the disease’s latent course in many patients.
Also, the feeling of incomplete emptying or a false urge to defecate is a unique feature in distal colon and rectum cancer, one of the manifestations of intestinal obstruction.
To sum up, any signs of bowel cancer are a reason to seek help from specialists. However, good disease prevention is maintaining the body in a healthy state. In addition, colonic hydrotherapy will help with this.
Safe and effective colon hydrotherapy includes an initial consultation. Consequently, sodium bicarbonate delivered to the colon through hydrotherapy can kill off candida.