Excess weight

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 5th November 2018
How to remove the fat fold in the stomach? Get rid of excess weight with physical activity and change in diet

Excess weight/overweight or obesity is a relatively “young” disease. It became widespread in the middle of the 20th century due to the notorious sedentary lifestyle and “fast food” culture, which originated in the United States.

According to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from overweight problems. The leaders are the USA and Europe. Some countries are addressing the issue of overweight and obesity. However, there has not been much success in this matter so far. Thus, the fight against excess weight is the task of each individual.

Excess weight

Obesity is usually divided into primary and symptomatic when overweight is a symptom of another disease. Excess weight may include genetic predisposition, excessive food consumption, and lack of physical activity. Concerning heredity, scientists agree that there is a greater or lesser genetic predisposition to weight gain. However, hereditary factors always affect a person’s lifestyle.

Do not “blame genetics”, but note that family eating traditions still have a more significant influence, often transmitted from ancestors to descendants. And habits are what we have the power to change. The same situation applies to those with a sedentary lifestyle. The conclusion is simple: everything is in your hands. However, it would be best if you did not deal with excess weight without the help of a professional. It is better to entrust this matter to specialists.

Causes and prevention of overweight

Some drugs can stimulate the body to produce more fat. These include corticosteroids, female hormones, antidepressants, etc. The intake of these drugs should always be as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Excess weight may result from certain pathological conditions. These include thyroid gland dysfunction or pituitary hypoplasia of the gonads. Also, Cushing’s disease and damage to the hypothalamic nerve cells can cause pathological overweight.

People who tend to be overweight should adjust the amount of food consumed and the level of physical activity.


In short, we must modify our diet. Increased physical activity in sports should follow a change in diet. It is essential to understand the primary factor in your weight gain. Was it a change in diet or a decrease in physical activity? Then, you can find the optimal solution that might be perfect for you.

Another indispensable element of prevention that we often forget is regular examinations and testing. Such measures will help identify and solve the problem at the earliest stages of its occurrence. Excess weight is a reasonably prevalent problem that is possible to cope with. Besides, cleansing the intestines will help rid the body of toxins.