Colonic aftercare advice and description

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 24th May 2019
Colonic irrigation in Swindon

Colonic irrigation aftercare advice is one of our patients’ most frequently raised subjects during the appointment. And, of course, they ask for a short description of the procedure. So, we are happy to cover these subjects here.

Colonic irrigation is an extended and complete form of colon cleansing. It involves infusing warm filtered water into the rectum. This procedure also improves muscle tone, reduces stagnation and bacterial build-up in the colon, and promotes colon health. Moreover, with modern technological improvements and trained therapists, colonic irrigation effectively treats disease and promotes wellness.

Colonic irrigation corrects the ravages of toxicity and reduces stagnation while exercising and strengthening the colon’s muscles. The colon immediately restores its natural peristalsis after months and years of this toxic glue-like material are removed. Besides, removing impactions, parasites, and cellular debris cleanses and rejuvenates the portion of the immune system that resides in the intestinal tract.

Aftercare advice for colonic patients.

After colonic hydrotherapy treatment, you should feel fine and not experience unwanted side effects. However, there are a few simple measures to follow:

  • Follow any advice on diet, supplements, exercise, etc., given to you by your practitioner.
  • Don’t overeat. Eat lightly cooked or raw food, and chew well. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables (especially leafy) will add to the cleansing effect and help to regulate the bowels.
  • Don’t eat red meat (beef, lamb, pork and game) daily; white meat, fish and vegetarian meals are much easier to digest.
  • Eat only whole grains, e.g. brown rice and wholemeal flour, NOT refined food, e.g. white flour products and pasta.
  • Avoid lots of mucus-forming foods like refined grains, dairy products and eggs.
  • The colon absorbs a small amount of water during the treatment, and you may notice an increased need to urinate. It is normal and will subside quickly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. If your digestion is weak, don’t drink with meals 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals. Avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours.
  • You may experience some flatulence and bowel sounds for up to 48 hours after colonic irrigation due to the bowel bacteria multiplying back to strength. Probiotic supplements/foods may be helpful, and fruit and vegetables will help.
  • If griping occurs, drink hot Peppermint, Fennel, or Chamomile infusions. Also, avoid cold drinks, carbonated drinks, and gassy foods.
  • Don’t expect a bowel movement the day after colonic irrigation. Depending on your condition, it may take several days before regular bowel movements resume.
  • Avoid rigorous exercise and weight lifting for 24 hours after treatment.
  • If you experience any continued discomfort, telephone your therapist.