Cleansing of the small intestine

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 16th September 2018
Enteroptosis - abnormal downward displacement of the intestine. Cleansing of the small intestine and digestive system/gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances. Colonic irrigation in Havering

Many diseases frequently occur due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The accumulation of slags and harmful substances in the intestine leads to digestive system dysfunction. Regularly cleansing the small intestine will prevent many diseases and general deterioration of well-being.

First and foremost, intestinal cleansing is necessary to strengthen the immune system. The protective function is to eliminate the effects of the accumulation of toxins and waste in the digestive system. Therefore, purification will reduce toxicity.

Harmful substances

If you don’t eliminate the toxic substances that accumulate in the small intestine, they can slowly harden, turning into stones. Subsequently, stool stones gradually poison the blood with harmful substances and carcinogens. It will also affect the person’s overall well-being, skin condition, and mood.

Cleansing the small intestine from parasites and wastes is necessary to normalise the metabolism in the body. Besides, it may improve health in general. Also, intestinal cleansing helps to lessen the load that the gastrointestinal tract experiences after consuming fatty foods.

Cleansing the small intestine from harmful parasites gradually accumulating in the stool and toxins will help maintain the immune system.

Results of the cleansing of the small intestine

As a result of regular body detoxification, a person feels alert, confident, more natural and lightweight. Moreover, the body receives additional energy, whereas earlier digestion or removal of accumulated harmful substances from the body used most of it. Increased power affects the manifestation of physical and mental activity.

As a result of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and wastes, the skin again acquires a healthy colour and ceases to dry out.


The face becomes clean and fresh and removes the rash and acne. The function of the gastrointestinal tract affects most of the human organs. Therefore, rashes or acne on the skin indicate problems in the digestive system.

The condition of the hair improves after cleansing the small and large intestines. Hair becomes more potent, thicker and shiny. Besides, hair loss slows down significantly. You can do body detoxes at home using holistic remedies. Specialists at our clinic in London perform a cleansing of the small intestine.