Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth

Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 1st February 2019
Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth

Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth is an administered therapy that allows you to wash and clean the intestines effectively using a large amount of fluid. Colonic lavage is the alternative way to call this procedure. It provides for cleansing the bowels, has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, and is a powerful healing force.

Colonic hydrotherapy is carried out under the supervision of highly qualified specialists. It allows for normalising the functioning of the digestive system and internal organs. Besides, this procedure mobilises the body’s protective properties and helps cope with allergies and chronic fatigue syndrome.

An effective program of treatment

Colon hydrotherapy is available in our clinic in Weymouth. We also offer colonic lavage sessions, which are indicated for the complex treatment of digestive system diseases, allergies, and skin diseases. Contact our consultants to learn more about the treatment systems.

Our experts will answer all your questions. Considering your conditions’ specifics and characteristics, we’ll help you choose the most effective treatment program or rehabilitation.

Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth in cases of intestinal malfunction

Delayed emptying of the colon or constipation is one of the most common intestinal problems. The rate of stool frequency is an individual concept. If you have it once or twice a day, it’s okay if it happens every two days so that bowel movements occur comfortably and without straining; you also don’t need to worry.

But if your bowel movements become infrequent, you must determine why and act. Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth is a great way to restore health to the intestines and the entire body.

Periodically clean your body.

The lack of movement reduces the tone of the abdominal muscles. Indeed, they should massage the intestines, stimulating their motility. Thus, the tone of the colon muscles decreases.

Unsurprisingly, people who spend most of the day in an office chair or on the couch suffer from constipation 2-3 times more often than those who move a lot. Try to walk more and sign up for the pool if possible. Eat properly, and periodically clean your body of harmful substances.