Colonic irrigation in Lewisham, or administered cleaning of the bowels, is one of the most popular and modern methods of cleansing the body from toxic substances today.
This type of cleansing is beneficial in chronic digestive tract diseases, including those with symptoms of partial or complete atony of the intestine, faecal stones, and disrupted stool.
We recommend the prophylactic conduction of colonic irrigation in Lewisham to release gases from the bowels. This method may also reduce cholesterol levels and help eliminate excess body weight without diet and excessive physical exertion.
After the cleansing of the intestines is administered, the skin’s condition may improve. Moreover, the skin may become clean and elastic. We can offer a seven-day cleansing course for those for whom an enema is a contraindication. However, it is better to consult with a specialist. Professionals must ensure no contraindications to colonic irrigation in our clinic.
Colon irrigation and comprehensive consultation with a professional colon hydrotherapist registered with RICTAT and ARCH at the Parkland Clinic in Holborn. We use a closed system only—London’s best colonic hydrotherapy deal.
Administered cleansing of the bowels is a complex process of alternating between filling and emptying the colon. Since the doctor controlled the procedure, the patient would not experience painful sensations except cramps.
Preliminary preparation is necessary for the patient before colonic hydrotherapy. In addition to diet, you may want to take some activated charcoal.
Like any other medical manipulation, colonic hydrotherapy has some contraindications. Acute diseases with high fever and feverish conditions also have contraindications to colonic irrigation.
Local contraindications also include
This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.