Colonic irrigation in Newham

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 10th December 2018
Obesity. Colonic irrigation in Newham and Colchester

We can only consider bowel cleansing when something extraordinary happens, and our body needs help. We figured out what these situations are and how to cleanse the body correctly:

  • with hangover;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • with allergies;
  • With intestinal problems.

Colonic irrigation in Newham cleans the intestines of impurities and toxins quickly and efficiently. It also helps alleviate the body’s general condition and improves the liver and kidneys.

Poisoning is a condition where something dangerous has entered the body. We often mean food poisoning, although harmful substances enter the body not only with food and water.


A patient experiences stomach pain, nausea and diarrhoea when toxic substances enter the digestive system. It means that the body has already started the cleaning program itself.

In severe cases, of course, you need to consult a doctor, but if the situation does not require the intervention of professionals, you can cope on your own:

  • Remove poisons from the body faster.
  • Prevent dehydration.

Currently, colonic treatments are available at our Holborn location in the centre of London.

Colonic irrigation in Newham in cases of hangover and allergies

While alcohol was in the blood, we had fun, but time passed, and we were not laughing anymore. Liver enzymes begin to break down ethyl alcohol, and if it is too much, its decay products cause nausea, headache, and weakness, which is poisoning, called a hangover.

Since the hangover is poisoning, the first aid should be the same as in any other poisoning accident in case of unpleasant sensations.


We must help the body eliminate garbage as quickly as possible. Colonic irrigation in Newham allows rapid removal of all toxins and harmful substances from the intestines. Further, the liver can cope with the remaining contamination in the blood more efficiently.

Allergy is an excessive reaction of the immune system to an allergen. An allergen can be any substance that the body considers potentially dangerous.

Dealing with allergies includes three mandatory items:

  • An intake of antihistamine drugs.
  • Eliminating allergens from the body using sorbents.
  • Avoid contact with the allergen.

Colonic irrigation in Newham also helps with allergies since all allergens accumulated over a long time may leave the body.