The large intestine is the end portion of the digestive tract. The length of the colon is about three feet. Besides, the diameter of the large intestine is five to seven centimetres. The digestion of food, as well as the synthesis of specific vitamins, involves microflora.
Currently, violating the natural self-cleaning process of the intestines is a problem for most people in civilised countries. That is to say, they lead a sedentary lifestyle, are under stress, consume a large amount of canned and refined foods, and are depleted in fibre.
Currently, colonic treatments are available at our Holborn location in the centre of London.
Colon cleansing with ENEMA HERBS & bicarbonate of soda is highly anti-spasmodic and helps void gas during colon hydrotherapy. It is especially beneficial in the presence of IBS and spasms. Your appointment will also include initial consultation.
First, faecal matter lingering in the intestines releases toxins. Second, the colon absorbs it into the circulatory system, spreading it throughout the body and poisoning it. At the same time, absorption, the intestine’s primary function, is deteriorating. As a result, the body will not receive all the beneficial substances.
Healthcare professionals solved the problem of proper colon cleansing in York by introducing specialised equipment. Unlike a conventional enema, which washes only the last small portion of the colon, colonic irrigation cleans the entire large intestine. Only modern equipment is needed to do this.
Colonic irrigation in York promotes the mechanical removal of dead epithelium cells, mucus, faecal stones, and toxins from intestinal walls. So, several sessions of colonic re-sculpting remove Faecal matter. Moreover, colon hydrotherapy stimulates intestinal peristalsis, improving metabolic processes and tissue saturation. The gentle action of water and a reflexology massage during the treatment lead to an intestinal tone improvement. Moreover, it may restore the natural size of the anterior abdominal wall.
Welcome to the Parkland Natural Health website, where you can access a range of laboratory tests. They may help you identify and manage health issues and improve your well-being. Whether you’re looking to diagnose diabetes, check your DNA, or identify food sensitivities, our tests provide the necessary information. Our tests are conducted in Holborn, London, with various savings and discounts.
Our Diabetes Test is a convenient, easy-to-use finger-prick blood test measuring glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. This highly accurate test helps detect the risk of diabetes early on.
The DNA Test gives you an overview of your carrier status, risk for hereditary diseases, and predisposition to nutrient intolerances and ancestry. Our Food Intolerance Test—Premium is perfect for those suffering from typical food sensitivity-related issues, such as headaches, bloating, or tiredness. This test analyses IgG reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. It also provides tailored nutritional advice to help optimise your diet and replace problem foods.
Finally, our Microbiome Test examines how gut bacteria can protect you from five diseases and how they influence the immune system. This test will provide personalised food recommendations to help you maintain a balanced microbiome.
We strive to provide you with the best tests available so that you can make informed decisions about your health. With our range of laboratory tests and discounts, we hope you find the right one.
Patients say that colonic irrigation in York eliminates:
However, pregnancy is one of the contraindications of colon hydrotherapy. The procedure may increase the tone of the uterus muscles, which may also lead to adverse effects.
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