Chronic gastritis causes inflammation of the stomach mucosa. Besides, in…
Healthy eating guidelines
Anatori Sealife
Comments 0 11th April 2019Blog, Knowledge
Guidelines. The principle behind healthy eating stresses the importance of eating foods as close to a natural state as possible. Varying the diet is also essential – variety offers a broader range of nutrients.
Some foods are mucus-forming. Avoid chocolate, full cream milk, white bread, red meat, cheese, pastries, cakes and biscuits.
Eating more alkaline-forming foods, like fresh fruit and vegetables, is also essential for optimum health. Use moderately, particularly acid-forming substances such as animal protein, stimulants and spices.
Eat organic food whenever possible. If you eat meat, then buy it from naturally-reared animals.Organic produce can minimise pesticides, fertilisers and other chemical residues, particularly harmful to our immune system.
Replace all refined, processed foods with 100% whole foods. Especially avoid refined flour, e.g. white bread.
Avoid sugar-containing snacks, especially between meals; they are likely to increase the risk of tooth decay significantly.
Do not overcook food. Cooking destroys nutrients.
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If vegetarian, obtain protein from sprouted seeds, grains and legumes, avocado pears, nuts, organic eggs, yeast, soy products and yoghurt.
Mixing grains with beans gives an excellent source of complete vegetarian protein.
Try to do without butter or margarine on your bread and toast. Also, replace butter and margarine with unheated polyunsaturated margarine. (Vitaquell, Granose)
Use butter or cold-pressed olive oil for cooking – do not cook with vegetable oils. Polyunsaturated essential oils are highly sensitive to heat and light. When exposed, they can turn into carcinogenic molecules (free radicals). Keep oils in the fridge to stop them from going rancid.
Avoid eating when tired, emotionally upset, or when in a hurry. The digestive processes will be impaired.
Do not eat late into the evening. Don’t eat white bread particularly. Digestive processes start to slow down after 6 p.m.
All foods must be chewed thoroughly at all times. It prepares the rest of the digestive system and body to absorb nutrients more efficiently.
Drink moderate amounts of fluids with meals. Drink an hour before a meal or two hours afterwards to avoid diluting the digestive juices.
Cook potatoes in their skins. Baked potatoes, which can be quite quick in the microwave oven, are very nutritious with beans, cottage cheese, tuna fish, sardines, etc. Remember to have a large salad with them and to eat the skins if you can – that is where the nutrients lie.
Eat fruits and vegetables as fresh as possible to obtain the maximum nutritional value. If stored, keep it in a cool, dark place and leave the roots on lettuce, cabbages, etc.
Besides, eating raw foods prevents the destruction of their natural enzymes. Enzymes catalyse chemical reactions, including those involved in the digestion. Food enzymes contribute to the activity of those digestive enzymes produced by the body. Begin slowly and gradually to increase the number of raw foods you eat.
Wash fresh and dried fruits and vegetables to remove the possible chemical sprays and sulphur dioxide.
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Steam vegetables; do not overcook them. Antioxidant vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium in fresh fruits and vegetables destroy free radicals. They, in turn, can mutate our cells, cause degenerative diseases such as cancer, arthritis and premature ageing, and boost the immune system.
Avoid cooking at temperatures above 100°C (212°F). Heat destroys vitamins C and E, some other vitamins, and all enzymes. The warmth as low as 40°C (106°F) begins destroying the enzymes. To offset these deficiencies through our cooked food, we must obtain them from raw food.
Ideally, take two-thirds raw food to one-third cooked. Consume some fresh food at every cooked meal.
Healthy eating – Eat all herbs raw for the full mineral and vitamin content. Avoid adding them to hot food; add them at the end of the cooking.
Invest in an excellent nitrate-removing water filter from your health shop to avoid unnecessary chemical load from tap water. Bottled water (Volvic, Evian) or filtered water is best.
Read the labels when buying cereals and other ready-made foods. Watch out for sugar and E numbers.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be nutritious. Although some breakfast cereals are excessively high in sugar, choosing sugar-free or low-sugar products from your local health food shop should not be too difficult.
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