boiled egg, wholemeal toast, portion non-citrus Vitamin C or fibre-rich fruit.
Meal suggestions different
Secondly, lunch meal suggestions:
avocado with Ryvita and tomato
tahini and tomato with pumpernickel bread
hummus on sourdough rye bread
tuna fish with tomato, cucumber, and sweetcorn, as well as olive oil
fresh soup with Ryvita or rice cakes
vegetable crudités with dips
non-wheat or rye bread sandwich with chicken, either tuna with tomato, fruit
low salt baked beans on non-wheat toast, a portion of non-citrus fruit, apple
chicken with tomato, green pepper, as well as lettuce salad, soya yoghurt and fruit
egg on non-wheat or rye toast, soya yoghurt and fruit
Food intolerance test of 208 ingredients
This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.
Ryvita, oatcakes, rice crackers, corn crackers, pumpernickel bread, sourdough bread, soda bread, vegetable crudités with hummus, tahini, taramasalata, guacamole and salsa.
Also, nuts, seeds, and soya yoghurt.
Small piece of plain organic chocolate.
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