Professional colonic

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 27th June 2018
Professional colonic. Strengthening of the muscles of the intestine

A professional colonic is a procedure for effectively cleansing the large intestine. Besides, it may purify even the most remote parts of the colon.

Colonic irrigation may also restore the colon’s motility. Consequently, it eliminates states such as bowel hypodynamia and constipation.


The effect of a professional colonic:

  • Weight may be reduced by five kilograms;
  • it improves digestion and absorption of mineral salts as well as vitamins;
  • flatulence decreases;
  • It may also stimulate toxins removal from the skin, liver, kidneys, blood and other systems;
  • sleep improves;
  • ability to work and resistance increases;
  • the concentration of attention increases;
  • memory and vision improve.

As a result, most people feel a sharp improvement in their health even after the first colonic irrigation.

Have professional colonic in our London clinic

In short, purification of the intestine with colonic hydrotherapy is necessary. It also speeds up the processes of rejuvenation and self-regulation of the body. Moreover, it stimulates the release of toxic gases, fermentation products, putrefaction of food, salts of heavy metals, lumps of the torn old mucous membrane of the intestine, and faecal stones.

One colonic hydrotherapy session effectively replaces thirty regular enemas and, accordingly, normalises digestion and the natural elimination of food waste. Moreover, the colonic helps to purify the body of toxins, activating the vital forces of the body.


Advantages of a professional colonic:

  • comfortable environment;
  • complete cleansing;
  • obvious effect;
  • qualified and friendly staff;
  • convenient office;
  • disposable underwear;
  • sterile disposable sets for the procedure.

Only professional specialists who have undergone appropriate training carry out the procedure of colonic hydrotherapy.

The use of up-to-date equipment guarantees the method’s effectiveness and high quality. During the process, we use only disposable materials and accessories, which significantly improves the procedure’s absolute safety.