All modern systems of healthy nutrition aim not only at reducing weight but also at improving health. It’s not fashionable to be worn and nervous today. Beauty is natural and cheerful, so you should correctly select a special diet for weight loss.
Dietitians believe a special diet for weight loss should be diverse so that the body receives all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements in sufficient quantities. The food should be delicious, too, because the constant stress of feeling hungry and boredom from bland, tasteless food does not benefit the psyche or the body.
Before taking on the menu, you must understand some healthy eating laws. Consider the main ones:
Eat often and in smaller portions.
It is best to divide the whole day’s menu into five food intakes and eat simultaneously. The last time you should eat is 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. Such a system prevents the body from starving, so you will not overeat.
The Anti-candida mini detox involves a concentrated series of three colonics infused with bicarbonate of soda, ideally scheduled once weekly. This regimen serves as a potent initiation into a detoxifying cleansing routine, setting the pace for rejuvenation.
Give up fast food.
It includes hamburgers, semi-finished food, sausages, French fries, canned food, a burrito, etc. Ready-to-eat food is hugely high-calorie and contains many preservatives, artificial colours and flavours, giving it a delicious smell and taste and fatty or hot sauces.
Chew your food thoroughly.
The experiments proved that chewing food about 40 times and you could lose weight a little without changing your eating habits. This simple method gives genuinely astonishing results in combination with a healthy diet. Carefully chewed food is more comfortable to digest. Besides, we eat much slower in this case, and the brain receives a signal of saturation in time, eliminating the risk of overeating.
Drink more water.
Water is the catalyst of all life processes. Daily, two litres of clean drinking water will help accelerate metabolism, remove toxins in time, and avoid fluid retention, so-called oedema. Remember that “water” does not include tea, coffee, juices and other drinks. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink juices because it is considered food for the body rather than fluid.
Back and chest waxing combines hair removal on two large areas of the male body. Our specialists will be happy to help you. This treatment lasts sixty minutes.
Maintain the balance.
We need proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for health, well-being, and harmony. The approximate balance consists of 75 g of proteins, 60 g of fat, 250 g of carbs and 30 g of fibres. We need protein food to build muscle tissue lipids – for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, the skin, and carbohydrates give us energy.
To sum up, nutrition for a special diet for weight loss should be healthy, and colonic irrigation will help remove all accumulated harmful substances from the body.